
April 20th, 2024


Revering Life After Las Vegas

Bob Tyrrell

By Bob Tyrrell

Published October 20, 2017

Revering Life After Las Vegas
In the aftermath of the most deadly massacre in American history, a friend asked, "Why would G0D allow a man to wreak so much carnage?" The enormous violence clearly weakened my friend's belief in the Lord. It should not have weakened it. Who else, or what other agent, is around to take the place of the Uncaused Cause? God caused the universe to exist, and as to why He would allow the Las Vegas carnage to take place, it is because He created us with free will. This explains many of the imponderables of history. We have free will to choose between good and evil. On the evening of Oct. 1, a particularly evil human being again chose evil, and now he will repose forever in hell.

That explains the atrocity. Yet it does not help us to prevent further atrocities, whether by lone murderers or jihadis or dictators hellbent on world war. Evil will always be out there, and mankind is free to choose it over the good until the end of time.

Still, there are some things we can do to lessen the chances of another massacre. Our Democratic friends monopolized the airwaves after the Las Vegas carnage with calls for gun control, as though gathering up over 300 million guns across America were even plausible. Clearly, it is not, and those who think otherwise are not to be taken seriously. From all I can tell, they are not taken seriously by their fellow Americans. The only practical suggestion I have heard of after the atrocity is to eliminate bump stocks, gun attachments that enable semiautomatic rifles to fire faster, from being sold. As for plausible gun control, so far as I can tell, it is pretty much already in effect.

The problem is deeper than controlling guns. As Jeff Lord, the distinguished commentator — recently made all the more distinguished by being fired by CNN for making a perfectly unexceptional joke — has written, the problem of killing the innocent stems from many Americans' low regard for human life. They simply do not revere life, and it is difficult to see how they will ever again. Start with America being a country in which an excess of fetuses are aborted annually.

I have been reading Hillary Clinton's masterpiece, "What Happened." She writes as though abortion were a very elegant solution to a human problem that afflicts only women. Until we can agree that abortion is the taking of a human life that afflicts all of American society, America will not come to terms with the respect for human life.

Moreover, a reverence for human life is ignored at a seemingly trivial but very fundamental level: entertainment. My contact with what is called popular entertainment is limited. I get a glimpse of it during media previews on the sports shows that I watch, but those previews are very informative. They and the advertisements for other shows are meant to encourage us to spend the rest of the week watching the boob tube or taking in one of Hollywood's works of genius.

Thus, between innings or timeouts, I see beautiful women pointing guns or knives or other weapons of destruction at beautiful men, and vice versa. I see them negotiating vehicles — often weaponized — off cliffs or into even more improbable catastrophes. I see mayhem on a grand scale, breasts popping out of every garment imaginable. It is chaos nonstop, and apparently it entertains millions of Americanos all night long. Then there is what passes for comedy or humorous discourse on late-night talk shows. All are agelastic — that is a word that can be applied to practically every attempt at humor on American television. Look it up. "Agelastic" is even more expressive than "stupid."

The Weinstein Company announced that it will continue to create its masterpieces without the contributions of its resident genius, Harvey Weinstein. He has been fired and, quite possibly, might be prosecuted, or at least subjected to legal proceedings for the rest of his life. Allegedly, his problem was he could not keep his hands off women, or, for that matter, keep his clothes on in front of them. In Hollywood, many of America's Shakespeares have this problem. Thanks to the curious workings of American culture, the nation is going to do something about Harvey and his fellow ... I believe the word is "addicts."

Well, treating them the way we have treated former Rep. Anthony Weiner and should have treated former President Bill Clinton is a beginning. But it is a long way back to the proper respect for life, which, by the way, is at the center of our Constitution.

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R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator, a political and cultural monthly, which has been published since 1967. He's also the author of several books.

