Jewish World Review
The intersection of faith, culture and politics
Monday, December 4, 2017

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"Many people today believe that cynicism requires courage. Actually, cynicism is the height of cowardice. It is innocence and open-heartedness that requires the true courage --- however often we are hurt as a result of it."

--- Erica Jong


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This World
Permission to Speak, Please
By Susan Weintrob

When the teacher was taught a lesson --- a life transforming one

Reality Check
The method to Trump's supposed 'madness' on Jerusalem may make sense
By Jonathan Tobin

The president has a strategy. A bold and gutsy one

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Passionate Parenting
Learning from our mistakes, for kids and ourselves
By Mary Laura Philpott

Just as our children don't come into the world knowing everything we know, humanity doesn't always move forward with the lessons of the past intact

Absolutely Must-Know Info
House, Senate Tax Plans: How They Will Affect You
By Kevin McCormally, Sandra Block & Joy Taylor

Here's a look at 21 issues that could affect you and your pocketbook --- some of which seem to be done deals, others that are still up in the air. And note this: Many of the changes in the Senate bill would expire after 2025, and, unless a future Congress acts to extend them, the rules would revert to current law

When healing's needed, seek out these immunity-boosting foods
By Casey Seidenberg

Whether you're recovering from surgery or just trying to get through the winter healthfully, what you eat matters

Ess, Ess/ Eat, Eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Cathy Barrow

Meet sorghum syrup and peppermint oil, my winter BFFs (2 RECIPES)

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Lisa Benson

Chip Bok

Dave Granlund

Walt Handelsman

Joe Heller

Jerry Holbert

Jimmy Margulies

Rick McKee

Rick McKee BONUS!

Dana Summers

Michael Ramirez

[ T O D A Y  I N  H I S T O R Y ]

On this day in . . .

77, Austrasian King Carloman dies, leaving his brother Charlemagne King of the now complete Frankish Kingdom

1259, Kings Louis IX of France and Henry III of England agree to the Treaty of Paris, in which Henry renounces his claims to French-controlled territory on continental Europe (including Normandy) in exchange for Louis withdrawing his support for English rebels

1619, 38 colonists from Berkeley Parish in England disembark in Virginia and give thanks to the Creator (this is considered by many to be the first Thanksgiving in the Americas)

1783, at Fraunces Tavern in New York City, US General George Washington formally bids his officers farewell

1791, the first issue of The Observer, the world's first Sunday newspaper, is published

1864, during the American Civil War: Sherman's March to the Sea --- At Waynesboro, Georgia, forces under Union General Judson Kilpatrick prevent troops led by Confederate General Joseph Wheeler from interfering with Union General William T. Sherman's campaign destroying a wide swath of the South on his march to the Atlantic Ocean from Atlanta, Georgia. Union forces did suffer more than three times the Confederate casualties, however

1875, notorious New York City politician Boss Tweed escapes from prison and flees to Cuba, then Spain

1918, President Woodrow Wilson sails for the World War I peace talks in Versailles, becoming the first US president to travel to Europe while in office

1943, during World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt closes down the Works Progress Administration, because of the high levels of wartime employment in the United States

1945, by a vote of 65 to 7, the United States Senate approves United States participation in the United Nations (the UN was established on October 24 of that year)

1952, the Great Smog of 1952: A cold fog descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing at least 12,000 in the weeks and months that follow

1971, the UN Security Council calls an emergency session to consider the deteriorating situation between India and Pakistan

1984, practitioners of that "religion of peace" hijack a Kuwait Airlines plane, killing four passengers

1991, journalist Terry A. Anderson is released after 7 years in captivity as a hostage in Beirut by practitioners of that "religion of peace". He was the last and longest-held American hostage in Lebanon. ALSO: Captain Mark Pyle pilots Clipper Goodwill, a Pan American World Airways Boeing 727-221ADV, to Miami International Airport ending 64 years of Pan Am operations

2005, tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong protest for democracy and call on the Government to allow universal and equal suffrage

2008, for the first time, an NFL game was broadcast live in 3-D to theaters in Boston, New York and Los Angeles. (Although the telecast was marred by technical glitches, fans were mostly forgiving as they watched the San Diego Chargers beat the Oakland Raiders 34-7.)

2012, Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker, responding to a challenge to survive on food stamps, began a week of spending less than $5 a day on food -- posting his grocery receipts on Facebook and Twitter. "This is hard," Booker said, profoundly. ALSO: Two Australian radio disc jockeys impersonating Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles made a prank call to a London hospital and succeeded in getting nurses to tell them the condition of the hospitalized Duchess of Cambridge; a nurse who took the call would be found dead three days later in an apparent suicide

2014, the Obama administration conceded that they, ahem, stretched the truth and that many people covered under the Affordable Care Act would face higher premiums the next year. ALSO: Police waged hours-long gun battles with Islamic militants who attacked Chechnya's capital of Grozny, leaving at least 20 people dead

[ I N S I G H T ]

(OUCH) Mark Steyn: Washington's Redskin

News of the Weird: Drive-Thru Rage | Model Parents

The News in Zingers by Argus Hamilton

Bernard Goldberg: Is 'academic freedom' just a tired excuse for hate?

Anna Fifield: North Korea has shown us its new missile, and it's scarier than we thought

Eli Lake: Taking down Jared?

Ramesh Ponnuru: Al Franken's calculated strategy of non-denial

Jeff Jacoby: What the Constitution says about cakes and compelled speech

Debra J. Saunders: Trump Against the World

Greg Stohr: Supreme Court unites Trump, NFL

Robert Barnes: Administration asks Supreme Court to overrule decision on DACA documents

Bruce Bialosky: Why Google Should Not Rule the World

Glenn Reynolds: Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary

Billy House: House Republicans prepare contempt action against FBI, Department of Justice

Missy Ryan, Adam Entous & Devlin Barrett: From White House to courthouse: The fall of Michael Flynn

Aaron Blake: What does Michael Flynn's plea deal mean for Trump? Here are 4 big questions

Ed Rogers: Sorry, Dems: Flynn's plea doesn't prove collusion

George Will: When is making a cake constitutionally protected speech?

Robert Costa, Carol D. Leonnig & Josh Dawsey: Inside the secretive nerve center of the Mueller investigation

Dry Bones by Ya'akov Kirschen

Mallard Filmore

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