Jewish World Review
The intersection of faith, culture and politics
Monday, October 8, 2018

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Friday, JWR went ad-free. And not because we chose to.

I'm responding here after attempting to reply to the kind hearted folks who normally click JWR's ads. They wanted to click but could only find my ad agency's logo. Why, they asked, were the ads disabled?

To oversimplify, they weren't. We reserved space for our ad agency --- but they never delivered. (They control what is populated in the area reserved for them).

The newsletter ads pay considerably more than our others. Clicking them is what is keeping the site alive after our annual appeal ends.

A very special thanks to those who donate annually, quarterly and monthly!

We lost a considerable amount of resources from missed clicks yesterday. That revenue is normally used to offset our publishing costs. As we are on a shoe-string budget, it's a problem. We needed those clicks yesterday --- and daily.

As of this writing, the ads are back. PLEASE continue your kindness

In gratitude for your kindness,
Binyamin L. Jolkovsky,
Editor in Chief



"Conceptions without experience are void; experience without conceptions is blind."

--- Albert Einstein


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Inspired Living
Words from the Grave
By Jonathan Rosenblum

I've been thinking a lot lately about the power of the written word to connect us to those who have long passed from the world

The 'Good Guys'
Israeli soldier-turned-'sheikh' is unwelcome celebrity in Gaza
By Gwen Ackerman & Saud Abu Ramadan

Palestinians mock him as "the sheikh." Communicating with him risks arrest. From his computer in Tel Aviv, Israeli Maj. Avichay Adraee has become a celebrity of sorts in the Gaza Strip, where his social media posts, sprinkled with Koranic passages, have resonated in unprecedented ways

Passionate Parenting
How to motivate older kids without using rewards, punishment or fear. (No, really.)
By Ana Homayoun

Five strategies for inspiring vulnerable tweens and teens to make good choices

Wealth Strategies
The Accelerators: 13 Dividend Stocks With Rapidly Growing Payouts
By Lisa Springer

These well-known dividend stocks have recently ramped up their payout growth

Plagued with allergies? New fixes, tips can help
By Jill U. Adams

Advances - from treatments to over-the-counter medications - have been made in tackling allergens

Ess, Ess/ Eat, Eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Phaedra Hise

'Char' is a trending flavor enhancer at restaurants --- we convinced chefs share to their secrets to yield the best results at home (3 RECIPES!)

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Sean Delonas

Lisa Benson

Chip Bok

Bob Gorrell

Ed Gamble

Dave Granlund

Tom Stiglich

Dana Summers

Dana Summers BONUS!

Michael Ramirez

[ T O D A Y  I N  H I S T O R Y ]

On this day in . . .

• 1871, a massive Chicago fire destroyed more than 17,000 buildings, killed more than 300 people and left 90,000 homeless

• 1934, Bruno Hauptmann was indicted by a grand jury in New Jersey for murder in the death of the kidnapped son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh

• 1918, Sgt. Alvin York of Tennessee became a World War I hero by single-handedly capturing a hill in the Argonne Forest of France, killing 20 enemy soldiers and capturing 132 others

• 1919, the U.S. Congress passed the Volstead Act, prohibiting the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages

• 1945, President Harry S. Truman announced that the secret of the atomic bomb would be shared only with Britain and Canada

• 1957, the Brooklyn Baseball Club announced it was accepting an offer to move the Dodgers from New York to Los Angeles

• 1967, communist revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, an important figure in the 1959 Cuban revolution, was killed while leading a guerrilla war in Bolivia

• 2003, about $19 billion in peach-colored, redesigned $20 bills made their official debut across the United States.

• 2005, tens of thousands of people were killed by a 7.6-magnitude earthquake in Pakistan. Most of the victims were in the Kashmir region, others in India. (The death toll in what became known as the Kashmir earthquake was eventually set at about 79,000, with more than 100,000 people injured and the number of displaced estimated in the millions.)

• 2011, the head of the U.S. Energy Department's loan program, Jonathan Silver, resigned amid a fiscal firestorm over Solyndra, a solar energy company that filed for bankruptcy after receiving a $535 million federal loan guarantee

• 2017, Harvey Weinstein was fired from The Weinstein Company amid allegations that he was responsible for decades of sexual harassment against actresses and employees. ALSO: Vice President Mike Pence left the 49ers-Colts game in Indianapolis after about a dozen San Francisco players kneeled during the national anthem; Pence tweeted that he wouldn't "dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag or our National Anthem."

[ I N S I G H T ]

Victor Davis Hanson: When everything is imaginable --- and nothing is sacred

News of the Weird: Solving the Wrong Problem? | OOPS!

You Gotta Laugh! Argus Hamilton's News In Zingers

Gina Barreca: Daunting world of competitive grandparents

David Von Drehle: I'm all Kavanaughed out. So let's talk about baseball

Jay Ambrose: Is the #MeToo movement itself a threat?

John Kass: The Brett Kavanaugh circus is over. We won't forget your sins, Matt Damon

How Trump and Republicans carried Kavanaugh to the cusp of confirmation

McConnell calls opposition to Kavanaugh a 'great political gift' to Republicans

Kavanaugh makes good on his pledge at hearing to hire women as law clerks

Ben Terris: 'I can't look away.' The countdown to the midterms is on as Americans wonder what the heck is going on

Robert Barnes: As the newest justice prepares for his Tuesday debut, his colleagues on the bench are already moving quickly to paper over the damage

Rafael A. Mangual: Look Until You Find

Aaron Blake: Kavanaugh's confirmation gives the GOP its most power since the Great Depression

Bernard Goldberg: When Libs Behave Like Stalinists

Pompeo, Kim Jong Un agree to hold 2nd summit with Trump as soon as possible

Anne Applebaum: Russians caught red-handed in cyber-spying

Emmett Hare: Who's Afraid of Fake News?

George Will: The U.S. takes a disturbing plunge into protectionism

Mallard Filmore

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