
September 13th, 2024

Reality Check

Gaza is nothing like Selma

Jonathan Tobin

By Jonathan Tobin

Published April 11, 2018

Gaza is nothing like Selma

When Hamas organized a "March of Return" on March 30, like the producers of a theatrical production, leaders of the terrorist group and their foreign enablers waited to see the returns from their investment and how it would fare with the critics. Given the deaths of as many 17 Palestinians and the willingness of the foreign press to blast Israel for defending its border, they had to be satisfied with both.

Though the second iteration of the march this past Friday yielded smaller crowds and fewer casualties, Hamas appeared to be equally pleased with the sequel. The reason was in large measure due to the uncritical coverage their efforts generated from news organizations such as The New York Times, which downplayed or even refused to mention the point of the "return" or to accept the Palestinians' claims that what they were doing was an example of a successful nonviolent protest in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s efforts to fight segregation in the United States.

