Within moments of the announcement of the exit polls, some of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's critics were claiming his win in Tuesday's Knesset election was the result of a crude, racist appeal to voters.
The justification for this charge was a speech made by Netanyahu and released only on social media because of restrictions on campaign appeals in the media, telling the country that left-wing groups funded by foreign money were busing Arab voters to the polls in order to elect a left-wing government led by his Zionist Union rival Isaac Herzog.
Netanyahu's opponents interpreted this as an appeal to racism. The statement was unfortunate because it made it seem as if the prime minister viewed Arab voters as somehow illegitimate. But the voters likely saw it in a different light.
The prospect of a left-wing government that depended on the Joint Arab List was always unlikely. But a critical mass of voters viewed the prospect with alarm not because they're racists but because a government that relied on the votes of anti-Zionists that favor Israel's dissolution was something they considered a danger to the future of their country.
Despite the expectation that dissatisfaction Netanyahu would lead to the end of his career, Netanyahu appears to have survived and will likely surpass David Ben Gurion as the country's longest serving prime minister.
Only a few days ago this was considered unlikely because the polls showed Herzog's Labor-led party with a solid four-seat lead. But just as Netanyahu's numbers were depressed in 2009 and 2013 because of the widespread belief that he couldn't lose, the belief that he was finished had the opposite effect. A significant number of voters who might have gone for other right-wing parties such as Naphtali Bennet's Jewish Home, went back to Likud in the final days in order to prevent a victory for the left.
But what those venturing opinions about the election must understand is that despite the hopes of the Israeli left and its foreign supporters (including one particular fan in the White House), the basic political alignment of the country remained unchanged.
The center-right and religious parties retained a clear majority over the parties of the left. Likud's natural allies outnumber those of the left. The only way for Herzog to become prime minister was to assemble an unlikely coalition of the left, secular and fervently-Orthodox parties. Even then, he might still need the support from the anti-Zionist Arab list composed of Communists, Islamists and radical Arab nationalists.
Contrary to the implications of Netanyahu's statement, the increased turnout of Arab voters is a good thing for the country. Israeli Arabs should be invested in their country and take advantage of its democratic system. But the small gains by the Joint Arab List which seems to have won 13 seats over the 11 won by the elements of its coalition, previously won't make much of a difference because the new Knesset members will remain in the minority. It is also a near certainty that the three factions will split once the dust settles from the election.
Even some of Israel's friends in the United States may be asking themselves how is it possible for the Jewish state's voters to give a majority to parties that are unlikely to agree to a two-state solution with the Palestinians. The answer is that unlike most Americans, Israel's voters have been paying attention to the history of the conflict over the past 20 years and know that Herzog was no more likely to create a Palestinian state than Netanyahu.
Nor is it fair to brand Netanyahu, who did not denigrate the right of Arabs to vote, a racist.
There is no comparison between the efforts of minorities to vote in Western democracies or the United States and the desire of the Arab parties to destroy Israel. That's because the Palestinian leadership, split between Hamas and Fatah, has consistently refused peace offers that would have given them independence.
Most Israelis would like a two-state solution to happen but they know that under the current circumstances any withdrawal from the West Bank might duplicate the disastrous retreat from Gaza in 2005. Though Western journalists mocked Netanyahu's comments about wanting to prevent a "Hamasistan" in the West Bank, the voters in Israel largely agreed.
That doesn't make them racist or extreme. It means they are, like most Americans, realists. They may not like Netanyahu but Tuesday's results demonstrates that there is little support for a government that would make the sort of concessions to the Palestinians that President Obama would like. They rightly believe that even if Israel did make more concessions it would only lead to more violence, not peace.
Israel's foreign critics and friends need to understand that in the end, it was those convictions have, for all intents and purposes, re-elected Netanyahu.
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JWR contributor Jonathan S. Tobin is executive editor of Commentary magazine, in whose blog "Contentions" this first appeared.