
May 1st, 2024


Rabbi fishes for Christian/Jewish coalition

Dave Weinbaum

By Dave Weinbaum

Published March 25, 2016

Rabbi fishes for Christian/Jewish coalition

About five years ago, I received a phone call from one of the local pastors in my adopted hometown, Rolla, MO. She asked me if I would go to her church that Sunday and meet an Israeli Rabbi.

I think Pastor Pat may have felt a small inkling of my skepticism when I did not immediately commit. I told her that I’d think about it as I was figuring a way out, without hurting her feelings.

We wished each other well and hung up.

A mere five minutes passed.

Pat called again. She said that I probably didn’t understand that this was a legitimate and certified RABBI who did not believe Jesus was the savior. She guaranteed that no attempt would be made to convert me. Her suspicions were dead on.

I decided to give it a try.

As I pulled up to the small church, I noticed two flags on high posts. One was Old Glory. Flying next to it was the Israeli pennant, featuring the Star of David—both fluttering, side by side, in the Missouri breeze.

The sight of those magnificent pendants of two allies, one representing the ONLY JEWISH STATE IN THE WORLD, the other THE HOPE OF THE WORLD moving in harmony, eased my apprehension. It takes a lot of moxie to put up an Israeli Flag anywhere, much less in front of your church.

After cautiously entering the confines of the Pastor’s small church and meeting some of her patrons, I still wasn’t quite at ease.

Then Rabbi Moshe Rothchild entered the church, suitcase in hand.

I could tell immediately we’d be fast friends. His sarcastic retorts were almost at my level of dry scorchedness.

Originally from New Jersey, Rabbi Rothchild was voted the funniest Rabbi in the New York Metro area—no small accomplishment. The New York area is the capitol of the funniest Jews in the world. He was a standup comic before he decided to make Aliyah to Israel with his wife Yonit and kids in tow.

Moshe was trained as a tour guide in Israel, where he met a few American Christian preachers who took a liking to him.

Be a beacon of light to those seeking a ray of hope

As his turn came to speak to the church, I tapped him on the shoulder from my seat behind and told him, “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!” He laughed all the way to the pulpit.

After Pastor Pat’s church meeting, Moshe visited other churches in the Midwest. Some pastors had invited him after he gave them the Holy Land tour.

He became a regular on The Dave Weinbaum Show, calling from his home just south of Jerusalem.

My Christian girlfriend, Lisa and I took Moshe’s Israeli tour. We were his only clients for ten days—covering a good portion of the Holy Land. It was the spiritual and historical experience of a lifetime from both our perspectives.

At least five times I was pulled aside by his fellow guides and told that Rabbi Moshe was the best in Israel.

Moshe formed an organization called whose five beliefs are:






A few years ago I contributed to

Just weeks ago, on his recent trip to Pastor Pat’s church, Moshe did a slide show. The Rabbi displayed ten Midwest pastors experiencing the Holy Land during their bus tour under Moshe’s guidance using the money I contributed to pay for the entire trip. Later that night, Rabbi Rothchild explained that the preachers had spread the word. Their parishioners had followed up by reserving tours by Moshe in Israel this summer— almost to capacity—this in the face of the current Palestinian Intifada.

It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made, from a lot of different angles.

It appears Christians and Jews need each other to preserve their future.

We need do more than pray and hope.

Let’s make it happen.

Donald J. Trump is stirring up a category five hurricane of politics, social media, entertainment, energy, amazing support and destructive enemies. And now, as if he’s already won, Donald preaches unity. He wants to be recognized as the YUUUUUGEST winner of them all—no biters yet from the assumed losers. Are they in denial? Two of them are, Rubio and Kasich. Only one seems to have a long shot of overcoming The Donald’s lead, Ted Cruz.

This comes after Trump’s Tuesday victory over the other three and the entire evil establishment of the Republican Party. Pleading the case for the Evil Empire was its most recent loser, failed presidential candidate, Mutt Romney.

Mutt’s assassination speech was followed by an all-out air attack with vicious slams and exaggerated wrongs against The Donald. The elites spent upwards of $40 million in ads calling Trump everything but a good boy. The bombing of Trump did garner some results as he lost Idaho to Cruz.

And the beat goes on with next week’s critical elections. Up to $70 million anti-Trump ads will be spent to crush him.

Just think, if only Romney had that kind of vehemence against Barack…

Don’t forget. The Empire hates Cruz almost as much. Apparently, even Cruz can’t hurt the ruling class as much as Trump can.

Why is that?

I believe the Elite have decided that they can work with Cruz better than Trump. Like them, he’s beholden to corporate or private donors. If self-funded Trump wins, the Party is OVER! Pun intended.


It has been revealed that Ted Cruz just alluded to Trump supporters as “low information.

Remind you of anyone?

Mutt Romney said he wouldn’t waste his time on 47 million American voters in a meeting he held in private. Gee, he lost by five million. You think Donald Trump isn’t going to go after them?

Paying attention to those people may have won the election. Romney blew an opportunity to sell the American dream to those who were poor and black.

Donald Trump has not and will not raise his nose against this important segment of the population. He’s too savvy for that. This is an indication that Cruz not only sounds like a snob—he actually is one.

Think it’s a coincidence that 40,000 Pennsylvania and 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats just changed from Democrat to Republican? The Republican vote is up 60% thus far and the Dem turnout is very low.

As Rush said, it could be because there are stricter election laws in many states. Looks like the road leading from the graveyards to the polls has been shut down to the Dem candidates.

Hey, this is an opinion piece. I think you’re entitled to my opinion. I’ve been leaning this way for a while. Let me share some Facebook experiences with you first:

I may be the only person thrown out of both a Trump group and Cruz group within a month.

The Trump group dumped me because I called Donald out for ditching the Iowa debate.

I was asked to leave the Texas-centered pro-Cruz group because the administrator suggested I put up with anti-Semitic slurs, my girlfriend being called a whore and Donald Trump’s and my life being threatened.

I wonder if the Jews of Texas know about these business-owning Jew haters or, for that matter, the employer of the administrator. Maybe I should bring this to Cruz’s attention and see whether he’ll disavow this group as Trump was made to disavow a phony endorsement by David Duke and the KKK.

In any event, I think Cruz just disqualified himself to be president. I don’t think he’s electable.

Yet, if Cruz and his ethically challenged campaign wins, I would vote for him any day of the week and ten times on Sunday!

That being said, here’s the Tweet I just sent to Trump.

@realDonaldTrump #Cruz just called you backers #lowinformation.Reminds me of #Romney ignoring 47M poor W/Minorities #gamechanger! Use it!

It’s a Tweet. No spelling wisenheimers need apply.

Comment by clicking here. He is a businessman, writer and part-time stand-up comic and resides in a Midwest red state.

