
October 23rd, 2024


AFPAC Versus America Last GOP

Michelle Malkin

By Michelle Malkin

Published March 3, 2022

 AFPAC Versus America Last GOP
GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy returned from a congressional junket to Israel this week and immediately surrendered to the woke corporate media and leftist smear merchants.

Is this the kind of America Last "leadership" that grassroots conservatives want if Republicans take back Congress in November?

McCarthy told a CNN reporter on Monday that it was "appalling and wrong" for Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., to speak to the annual America First Political Action Conference, or AFPAC. I have personally addressed and supported AFPAC since its inception in 2019. It is the authentic alternative to the moldy, Swamp-run Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, from which a rising generation of staunch immigration restrictionists and conservative Christians are banned and blacklisted (including me) — while drag queens, foreign sponsors, and Big Tech titans Google and Facebook have been welcomed by CPAC with open arms.

Decrepit GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed the liberal outrage mob over AFPAC. He railed against "white supremacists" and "antisemitism," which now encompasses investigating billionaire globalist George Soros, criticizing powerful bankers and opposing unlimited foreign aid to Israel. (With Southern Poverty Law Center-parroting GOP friends like this, who needs left-wing Facebook, Twitter, Google, Chase Bank and Airbnb to ban us?)

GOP elites and CNN gatekeepers want to censure Greene and Gosar for daring to address the large and growing movement of passionate patriots who care about the sovereignty of our families, churches and country above all others. In Idaho, a liberal Republican big-business group called "Take Back Idaho" demanded that populist America First Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin resign for addressing AFPAC by video. McGeachin (who has my endorsement for governor) retorted, "Not a chance!" and condemned "guilt-by-association" games.

On Monday afternoon, the Republican-dominated state Senate in Arizona issued a "censure" of populist America First state Sen. Wendy Rogers for similarly addressing AFPAC by video. The eunuchs had nothing to say about the actual violent bomb threats that were called into the hotel that hosted our conference. Instead, they hysterically accused Rogers for "threatening" violence because she demanded that "high-level criminals" responsible for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths face consequences for their actions — and that convicted traitors be forced to face the gallows.

Rogers rightly refuses to fold and tweeted after the vote: "Those lying saying I was calling for violence are false. I was calling for justice and I still do."

Now, Arizona state GOP weenies want to strip Rogers of her committee assignments, just like Traitor Kevin McCarthy did to former GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa after The New York Times character assassins deceitfully painted him as a "white supremacist" for decrying those who have turned the phrase "Western civilization" into hate speech.

As King, who spoke to AFPAC last year and attended this year, told me Monday: "The only freedom of speech McCarthy respects is that which supports McCarthy ... He has an avaricious lust for power."

Texas GOP Rep. Dan "Two Minutes Hate" Crenshaw, whom my young friends in the America First movement exposed as an anti-free speech, pro-red flag law, double-talking phony on college campuses in 2019, supplied CNN with more ammunition. He attacked AFPAC's founder, 23-year-old internet entrepreneur and nationalist activist Nick Fuentes, as "one of the worst human beings I've ever come across."

"I f—-ing hate Nick Fuentes," Crenshaw (last seen bullying a Texas schoolgirl who challenged his blasphemous comments about Jesus) fumed to CNN. "Everybody should know they're supposed to hate Nick Fuentes."

And they call us the "haters"?

Over the weekend, the indefatigable Fuentes and his remarkable team of 100-plus AFPAC volunteers hosted more than 1,200 American patriots — mostly young, mostly Christian and mostly, but not all, white men — in Orlando, Florida. The livestream, carried on Fuentes' independent platform,, which he created after being banned by every major Silicon Valley company, garnered 10,400-plus concurrent views and 3,000-plus new subscribers.

The 2022 AFPAC lineup included nine current or former government officials and two sitting members of Congress. In his keynote speech, America's Sheriff and Maricopa County law enforcement legend Joe Arpaio recounted the decadeslong political witch hunt against him for detaining and deporting thousands of illegal aliens. Defiant as ever at 89, Arpaio told me he was unbowed by the firestorm over AFPAC. "I'll talk to anyone."

Free speech activist, Florida 11th congressional district candidate and early AFPAC supporter Laura Loomer told me that "Kevin McCarthy's condemnation of a nationalist, conservative, pro-America conference is yet another reason why he should never be speaker of the House." She added that "the old guard of the failed GOP establishment" is "taking the party and America backwards with their calls for increased cancel culture and political censorship."

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Indeed, podcaster and Daily Veracity founder Vince James, who has spoken at every AFPAC, told me: "When all the worst Republicans attack you, it shows you're a threat to them ... It's an honor to be disavowed by such feckless liberals posing as conservatives."

Black pastor and longtime broadcaster Jesse Lee Peterson galvanized the AFPAC crowd with a rousing defense of America's founders. Rejecting Black Lives Matter, monument destruction and the martyrdom of George Floyd, Peterson asserted unapologetically: "White people built America, and we need to remember that."

Stating facts like these will earn you the fearmongering label of "white nationalist," even if you're not white! Nationalists of any color are not haters, but lovers of their precious homeland. Just two simple words, embraced by a swelling red tide of conservative dissidents, will put the baying America Last mob in their place in the face of all the shunning, censuring, lying and clucking:

So. What.


