By the time you read this column the hotly anticipated Biden/Trump debate on Thursday, June 27th will be over. I have no idea what transpired since I am writing this on Tuesday, the 25th and it will not appear on JWR until Friday the 28th at the earliest. The following is my prediction of the event. You, reader, have already seen and heard the debate, so I fully understand if you decide to skip this. If, however, you are curious as to the level of my psychic abilities then read on.
To start with, it is no secret that the Biden campaign initiated the debate and Trump jumped on board quickly lest it appear that he was running scared. The Biden people knew that their man was falling behind and they needed to do something drastic to save him. They figured a debate might do the trick, especially if they could set it up as much as possible in Biden’s favor.
So they chose CNN, the news outlet that not only supports Biden, but has spent the last 8 years bashing Trump and promoting false stories against him. The two “moderators/questioners” are both solidly anti-Trump and have gleefully made no bones about it in their coverage of negative reporting on the former president. Trump has, therefore, a hostile venue right off the bat being directed by hostile questioners. It’s three to one against him.
You can be sure the debate will be conducted every bit as evenhandedly as Trump’s New York trial was, phonyed up charges brought by a partisan Democrat district attorney, held in an ultra-liberal city (that went 90% against Trump in 2020), presided by a partisan Democrat judge whose daughter works collecting millions for the Democrats.
I predict the questions to Trump will be antagonistic and nasty, the questions to Biden will seem to be tough, but will be designed to give Biden easy ways to dodge and make his points. And if he stumbles, the moderators will be there to pull him up and rescue him (just like Candy Crowley did in 2012 for President Obama in his debate with Mitt Romney).
Of course, I have no way of knowing this but I believe that Biden has already been given a heads-up to the questions that will be asked of him. Remember Donna Brazile feeding questions to Hillary Clinton before her debate in the Democrat primary? The Dems have a history of cheating this way.
I predict that camera angles and lighting will be used to best show Biden and cast Trump in a negative way. I predict Trump will be muted much more than Biden will be. And the muting will happen just when Trump is making important points. I predict that Biden will goad Trump in an attempt to make him lose his cool. Biden will attempt to project Trump as a law-breaker and an insurrectionist. If Trump takes the bait it will be at his detriment. He should focus on Biden’s failed policies. He should compare his own record in office with that of the last three and a half years under Biden. That is the way for Trump to score points.
I predict Biden will not look into space or mumble or misspeak. He will appear completely energized. My guess is, in addition to having been coached for a week and has memorized his answers, he will have been given some sort of energy enhancing drug. Like they give to horses before a race.
I predict Biden will come off relatively good, allowing the media to exclaim that he is up to the job and that there is nothing wrong with his mental acuity. In the final analysis no matter how good former president Trump does, the media will find any number of ways to discredit his debate performance. Biden will ultimately be declared the debate winner. Which is, after all, the whole point of this fake exercise.