
April 26th, 2024


President Trump Did It!

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Jan. 3, 2020

President Trump Did It!
It's always nice when you find out the honest to goodness truth about a thing.

Take President Trump's support for Israel and the Jewish people. Here I was thinking all this time that President Trump had a positive attitude toward Jews based on his actions and his family and his support for Israel, but now the Democrats have set me straight. I've finally realized just how wrong I must have been.

A man armed with a machete attacked a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi's home in Monsey, New York last weekend and in less than 24 hours the left blamed Donald Trump. President Trump has incited the kind of anti-Semitism that led to the stabbings of five Jewish people, they say. President Trump did it. It's Trump's fault. Trump hates Jews. He wants to see them killed. The left told me so.

Never mind the fact that President Trump has a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren. Never mind the fact that over 90% of American Orthodox Jews support President Trump. Never mind the fact that President Trump has supported Israel like no other president ever has by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and relocating the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It's no wonder that support for Trump in Israel is at an all time high.

No, ignore all that, the Dems say. Listen instead to those that know better, listen to the leftist news reporters and the Democrats.

How stupid I must have been to put the blame on the black Jew-hating man who actually committed the crime, the anti-Semite who made multiple references to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in his personal journal before driving from his home in Harlem to Monsey with the intension of killing as many Jews as he could. I'm just so naieve. I really must stop relying on facts to guide my thinking. I must keep repeating, President Trump did it.

Okay. If by this time you don't know that I'm being sarcastic, then you've never read my column. Of course I'm sarcastic. But this transfer of blame from real anti-Semitic killers to President Trump is what the leftists want America to believe. Deflecting responsibility is their stock-in-trade.

Among the Trump-haters that couldn't wait to blame the president for this atrocity were New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, two people who have direct responsibility to the increase of anti-Semitic attacks of late and have literally done nothing about them, except make it easier for the perpetrators to get out of jail.

Leftist Washington Post correspondent and reporter for other leftwing media, Mairav Zonszein said she held the White House "directly responsible" for the rise of anti-Semitism. On December 29th she posted: "Just to be clear, I hold the Trump White House directly responsible for the increasing violent attacks on Orthodox Jewish people in America."

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) blamed Trump and Rudy Giuliani on Twitter, linking to an op-ed he wrote in the Jewish liberal publication Forward, including the false claim that Trump has not condemned extremism.

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), another frequent critic of Trump, shared a tweet by a New York-based comedian who argued that the Monsey attack followed "3 years of anti-Semitism from the Trump Administration."

"So sad but predictable. His conduct has made unacceptable conduct acceptable," Cohen said, appearing to blame Trump for the recent rise in attacks against Jewish people and members of other minority groups across the country. "It will take decades to cure."

Arizona Democrat Nathan Schneider, who describes himself on Twitter as a "universal health care advocate, public education proponent, organizer, campaign manager/regional field director, and former House candidate" blamed President Trump for the violence: "Trump is directly to blame for this anti-Semitic violence and if we don't take drastic steps to address this threat the attacks will become worse and more frequent."

Notice how many of these Trump haters have Jewish surnames. For ultra-liberal Jews their progressive ideology is much more important than their Judaism. And if they have to lie to support their ideology, so be it.

The left will go on saying these things. They will go on lying on Twitter, on the network news shows, in every forum and in every way they can. They will ignore all Trumps' statements against anti-Semitism, all he has done for Israel, his recent signing of an executive order to combat anti-Semitism on campus, and the fact that he has a Jewish daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. They will ignore all of that and say the anti-Semitism is his fault.

Democrats have become not only the party of the left, of political correctness, of socialism and America hatred. They have become the party of the super liars. They may have always been liars, but where in the past they might have tried to hide it, today they don't even pretend to deal in truth.

They'll do whatever it takes to destroy Donald Trump. They have to take him down because the Trump Boom is going too strong. The unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in 50 years.

Since President Trump's election, our economy has added more than 7 million jobs — over half a million in manufacturing alone. Add to that the stock market boom, the increase in workers wages, great judges, and so much more.

President Trump did it!

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JWR contributor Greg Crosby, former creative head for Walt Disney publications, has written thousands of comics, hundreds of children's books, dozens of essays, and a letter to his congressman. He's been a JWR contributor since 1999.

