
April 25th, 2024


When attention gets monetized, it's up to consumers to make reasonable limits on the supply

Glenn Reynolds

By Glenn Reynolds

Published Oct. 13, 2019

When attention gets monetized, it's up to consumers to make reasonable limits on the supply
Information used to be scarce. Now it's plentiful, to put it mildly. What's scarce now? Attention, specifically your attention. And lots of people want to seize it, monetize it and commodify it.

That was the topic of a program at Princeton University where I spoke last week, presented by Princeton's James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions. Princeton assigns its incoming freshman a book to read over the summer, and this year it was former Google executive James Williams' book, "Stand out of our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy."

Williams, who has had second thoughts about his work at Google, thinks that many tech companies see their users as a form of prey — or maybe herd animals would be a better metaphor. Our attention is lured in via clickbait and algorithmic jiggery-pokery that's designed to keep us emotionally stirred and engaged (which mostly means angry) and then monetized to make tech companies rich.


This, Williams argues, has negative effects. Quoting poet Theodore Roethke he says, "A mind too active is no mind at all." Yet social media and other tech platforms are designed — deliberately — to keep us in such a state, too busy reacting to the latest fad or outrage (it's usually outrage) to actually think.

Williams writes, "The most visible and consequential form of compromised ‘daylight' we see in the digital attention economy is the prevalence and centrality of moral outrage. Moral outrage consists of more than just anger: It also includes the impulse to judge, punish and shame someone you think has crossed a moral line. ... Moral outrage played a useful role earlier in human evolution when people lived in small nomadic groups: It enabled greater accountability, cooperation and in-group trust. However, the amplification of moral outrage on a societal, or even global, scale carries dire implications for the pursuit of politics worth having. In the past, when we lived in environments of information scarcity, all the world's moral transgressions weren't competing for our attention."

Williams adds, "When children behave like this toward one another, we use words like ‘cyberbullying' or ‘harassment.' Yet when it's adults doing the shaming and threatening, we're inclined to shrug our shoulders, or even cheer it as ‘karma,' ‘sweet, sweet revenge,' or ‘justice in the court of public opinion.' But it isn't any of those things. It's nothing more — and nothing less — than mob rule, a digital Salem."

He's right, of course. One needn't look far to see that today's social media seems to keep people angrier, more reactive and less thoughtful than we used to be. (And it's not as if people were paragons of reflective virtue beforehand.)

Indeed, the consensus at my program seemed to be that things are actually even worse than Williams says they are. And as Julie M. Albright argues in her new (and excellent) book, "Left To Their Own Devices: How Digital Natives are Reshaping the American Dream," people are becoming increasingly tethered to their smartphones and increasingly untethered from each other and from the real world.


In my own recent book, "The Social Media Upheaval," I suggest a number of societal and regulatory responses, including antitrust regulation of the Big Tech platforms and a new policy on the part of employers, etc., not to overreact to social media mobs, most of which disperse as fast as they formed. But what should we do as individuals?

Personally, I quit Twitter. For me at least, it was the most addictive yet also most unsatisfying social medium. If lushly illustrated sites like Instagram are the equivalent of a fancy Las Vegas casino with chandeliers, free champagne and elegant carpeting, Twitter is the social media equivalent of a row of gas station slot machines being repetitively worked by emaciated, chain-smoking senior citizens.

For other people, the most stress-inducing platform might be Instagram — everyone looks so beautiful and fit, even it if is partly due to Photoshop — or maybe Facebook — why are their kids doing so much better than mine? Or maybe it's Tinder, for reasons that should be obvious. These don't particularly bother me, because I don't compare myself with other people much, but others' experiences are different.

And that's my first piece of advice: Pick the social media platform that you find most stressful, and quit it. Don't quit social media or your phone cold turkey. Just quit one platform. If you're like me with Twitter, you'll be surprised how your stress level drops.

Next, start limiting your exposure to the others. Don't quit, just establish "phone free" time. (I put my phone on the charger at night and sit down with a book and a drink for some quiet time each night before bed.) Again, you'll probably be surprised how much you enjoy the quiet.

Limit your kids' exposure, too, if you have kids. One panelist noted that she doesn't let her 15-year-old daughter have a smartphone. Rather than resenting it, the daughter seems happy to miss out on all the social media drama among her schoolmates. Remember, what social media companies are selling is your attention. Why give them more of it than they deserve?

None of these steps will change the world. But they may change your life for the better. Sometimes, that's enough.

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Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself and is a columnist at USA TODAY.

