
May 3rd, 2024


Is Hillary Clinton Being Secretly Paid to Disparage Brexit?

Dick Morris

By Dick Morris

Published Oct. 16,2018

Is Hillary Clinton Being Secretly Paid to Disparage Brexit?

In the past few weeks, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has given at least four separate speeches in the U.K. that have been highly critical of Brexit.

And we know she never works for nothing. But while she would be required to disclose any payments she received for lobbying the U.S. government, her advocacy in Europe about Brexit triggers no disclosure requirement. So she is taking care to do her advocacy and lobbying on the other side of the ocean.

She said that Brexit "may well go down as one of the greatest and most unnecessary self-inflicted wounds in modern history." She said that the decision of U.K. voters to approve Brexit was "motivated by misconceptions and myths." She called Brexit a "big lie" and claimed that it will put Britain at a "very big disadvantage."

None of these comments have been made on U.S. soil — all in Europe — so no disclosure is required.

Hillary's people are all over the anti-Brexit lobbying campaign.

Declan Kelly, the CEO of Teneo — the consulting and investment company set up by Bill and Hillary Clinton's associates to represent huge corporations and foreign governments — bought a public relations firm in Brussels from which to wage his campaign against Brexit. As secretary of state, Hillary appointed Declan the U.S. Envoy to Northern Ireland, a plum he got after he raised $2 million for her 2008 campaign. Now, is Kelly repaying the favor by channeling fees to Hillary to knock Brexit?

Teneo is doing fine these days, even as the Clintons find their careers in eclipse. The company now has 18 offices throughout the world, 12 divisions and almost 700 employees. Doug Band, the firm's chief operating officer and Bill's former bag carrier, recently purchased the Sutton Place mansion of the late David Rockefeller for $20 million.

Teneo's operation is basically the same as it was when Hillary was secretary of state and the heir apparent to the White House. Teneo sells the Clintons and their influence. The company paid Bill $3 million while Hillary was a public official. But once that came out, Bill dropped his affiliation with them. Even Chelsea Clinton complained that Teneo folks were "hustling" at the Clinton Global Initiative. And emails showed how Teneo was able to easily set up meetings with the secretary of state. Many of those companies and countries then contributed handsomely to the Clinton Foundation. It worked out well for everyone.

Some of Teneo's advisers are also helping out in the anti-Brexit campaign. There's former Sen. George Mitchell, ex-Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, who often speaks out against Brexit. Then there's Tony Blair. He doesn't like Brexit either.

Bill and Hillary's sudden appearances all over Europe beg the question of what they are doing there. They are not exactly famous for being romantic tourists. Some appearances are clearly paid gigs. Did you catch the photos of them on a rare trip together in Munich last week? Those two wild and crazy non-beer drinkers attended Oktoberfest, where over 66,000 bottles of beer are consumed in a two-week period. Bill went all out and dressed up in the traditional German lederhosen garb of tapered shorts to the knees, a vest and knee socks.


Dick Morris, who served as adviser to former Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and former President Clinton, is the author of 16 books, including his latest, Screwed and Here Come the Black Helicopters.

