
April 26th, 2024


First-World Dilemmas

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

By News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

Published Oct. 30, 2014

First-World Dilemmas

Ten parking spaces (of 150 to 200 square feet each) one flight below the street at the apartment building at 42 Crosby St. in New York City have been offered for sale by the developer for $1 million each -- nearly five times the median U.S. price for an entire home.

(2) New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman told ABC News in September of an uptick in women's calf liposuction procedures -- because of ladies' frustration at not being able to squeeze into the latest must-have boots. (The surgery is tricky because of the lack of calf fat, and recovery time of up to 10 months means surgery now will not help the fashion plates until next fall.) [New York Times, 9-10-2014] [ABC News, 9-17-2014]

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