
May 7th, 2024


Creme de la Weird

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published July 24, 2020

Creme de la Weird

Koji Ishii, 39, of Tokyo, admits his passion is sometimes more like a "curse": He is compelled to document every lost glove he sees on the streets of his city.

He photographs and records details about each one, whether they're stuck in drains or washed up on a beach, but never touches or removes them.

Over 15 years, he's curated more than 5,000 stray gloves, including children's mittens, heavy workingman's gloves and lacy ladies' accessories.

"I live with the constant fear that there might be a glove right around the corner," Ishii told AFP. He even gets off buses before his stop if he sees a glove on the ground.

For him, the attraction is thinking about how the glove got there and who once wore it. "Lone gloves are a constantly changing, dynamic phenomena," Ishii said. [AFP via Yahoo News, 6/18/2020]