
April 25th, 2024


People With Issues

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

By News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

Published May 17, 2016

People With Issues
(1) Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C., disclosed in March that in 2015 it received 8,670 noise complaints -- but that 6,500 came from the same person (thus averaging 18 per day, every day).

(2) Buddhist monk Julian Glew, 45, was arrested in September in Humberside, England, and later sentenced to 11 weeks in prison after he slashed (by his count) 162 tires in his neighborhood because, he said, he was angry that he had stepped on an insect and needed to be jailed. [Associated Press via WTOP Radio (Washington), 3-9-2016] [Hull Daily Mail, 1-20-2016]