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In this issue

April 30, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: For $100,000, you’d think Clinton would be man enough to answer serious questions

Dr. Wade F. Horn: Pressured to send to pre-school

April 27, 2001

Chosen Words: A newsletter of personal and spiritual growth gleaned from classic biblical and Talmudic sources.

Jill R. Jacobs: Forever a "Rules Girl"?

April 26, 2001

Michael J. Jordan: When being too 'pro-Israel' disqualifies one from leading most influential group in American Jewry

Ethel G. Hofman: King David Hotel Chef brings Israeli haute cuisine to New York's Plaza

April 25, 2001

Yaffa Ganz: A place to sigh

Ask Wendy: Anti-Semites everywhere?; shilling for gifts; my kid is the 'weakest link'

April 24, 2001

M. L. Mashinsky: Made in Heaven

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

April 23, 2001

Dennis Prager: If the Exodus did not occur, there is no Judaism

Jonathan Tobin: The Verdict of History

April 20, 2001

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The desperate search for disorder

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: The Times' should be investigated for 'truth in advertising' violations!

April 19, 2001

David Waters: Atheists of America unite?

Marlene A. Marks: Head Trip

April 18, 2001

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Arafat to be guest of honor at terrorist conference

Julie Wiener: Yeshiva U. back in court soon for appeal on gay housing case

April 17, 2001

Chosen Words: A newsletter of personal and spiritual growth gleaned from classic biblical and Talmudic sources. In short: A practical approach to becoming a mentsh.

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

April 16, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: Big League Jews: Scouting the all-time Jewish baseball all-stars

Jonathan Rosenblum: L'chaim in Bnai Brak

April 13, 2001

Judy R. Gruen: The disciplined path to freedom

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: JOHNNY HART AND THE 'R-WORD'

April 12, 2001

Rabbi Yisroel Miller: The Pharaoh fantasy

Jonathan Tobin: In Every Generation

April 11, 2001

Marlene A. Marks: Doorposts of my House

Jordan Max: An Open letter to the International Jewish Community, at Passover 5761

April 10, 2001

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The secret of immortality

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

April 6, 2001

Jonathan Rosenblum: A time to ask

Rebbetzin Faige Twerski: Connecting: Passover reflections

April 5, 2001

Hanoch Teller: The 'Night of Protection'

Ask Wendy: Celebrating when Passover is inconvenient; What's wrong with the name 'Melvyn,'?; Difference dilemma: Husbands and wives and Passover observance levels

April 4, 2001

Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein: Passover: We are familiy --- or should be

Judy L. Balint: Fifteen Ways you know Passover is Coming to Jerusalem

April 3, 2001

Rabbi Berel Wein: Pre-Passover cleaning: A man's perspective

Ethel G. Hofman: Passover: Simplified Seder

April 2, 2001

Daniel Pipes: Bush and the angry Arabs

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

March 30, 2001

Howie Beigelman with Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: Richie Cunningham, the NYPD and the "Great Sabbath"

Michael A. Glueck, MD: Something fishy?

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