
May 1st, 2024


Creme de la Weird | Inexplicable

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Jan. 6, 2021

Creme de la Weird  |  Inexplicable

The Design Museum in London has included a "DIY meal kit" featuring steaks that could be grown from a diner's own human cells among the nominees in its Beazley Designs of the Year exhibit.

Developers of the Ouroboros Steak envision that an individual will be able to harvest cells from their own cheek and feed them with serum derived from donated blood that has expired, Dezeen reported.

After about three months, the steaks would be fully grown.

"People think that eating oneself is cannibalism, which technically this is not," said Grace Knight, one of the designers.

Researcher Orkan Telhan added, "Our design is scientifically and economically feasible but also ironic in many ways," he added. [Dezeen, 11/13/2020]

Officers from Utah's Department of Public Safety were helping the Division of Wildlife Resources count bighorn sheep from a helicopter on Nov. 18 when a shiny object in the desert landscape caught their eye.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around," one of the biologists shouted, according to pilot Bret Hutchings.

KSL reported the crew landed and found a 10- to-12-foot-high silver monolith planted in the ground and tucked into a red-rock cove.

After joking about extraterrestrials, the crew decided it looked manmade and took pictures, chalking it up to "some new wave artist ... a big '2001: A Space Odyssey' fan," Hutchings mused. [KSL, 11/21/2020]