
May 17th, 2024


New Year's Movies

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Dec. 18, 2020

New Year's Movies
In the midst of this disgusting time in which we live, do you ever stop and wonder how all this will finally shake out in the end? What will become of our country? Of our civilization? Of our world? Of us?

2020 has seen lockdowns, fraud in our elections, a leftist media camouflaging their lying propaganda as "news," burning and looting in the streets, tearing down statues and monuments which represent our national honor and history, and a Democratic Party that has become brazenly communistic, exercising authoritative control over citizens like never before. And there seems to be no end in sight.

For over four years I've watched the machinations of Democrats and their useful idiots in the press, entertainment, pro sports, academia, and big tech doing and saying anything and everything to get President Trump out of office, thwart the will of the American people and regain their own power over our society. It is undeniable that these people will stop at nothing to achieve their ultimate goal.

There's no question in my mind that the hard left wants to destroy Western Civilization and replace it with a communistic global society controlled by the multi-billionaire elite. That is the end game. The left has long ago crushed Europe. They pose no threat. Only the United States stands in the way of globalist domination in the world.

And who are these globalist people? You know the names. George Soros, Bill Gates, Obama, Biden, and the Chinese Communist Party just to name a few. Many of the richest of the rich in Big Politics, Big Business, and Big Media are on board. Including of course the wizards of Silicon Valley, who control all information to the masses.

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But why would all these oh so smart, oh so wealthy people want to destroy America? Good question, but relatively easy to answer. They believe in something much bigger than a mere country or its Constitution; they believe in world domination. They want ultimate power over the masses. In order to achieve that you need to build up government authority, make the people dependent on government, in every respect. And the surest way to do that is to scare the hell out of them.

We're seen that play out with these never ending China Virus (or what the Left prefers to call Covid) lockdowns across the country. Democrat governors, mayors, and other wannabe tyrants get their jollies by pulling the chains of their citizenry with their royal edicts on where a person is allowed to go, who he is allowed to see, where he is allowed to eat, where (if any place) he is allowed to pray, and what he must wear when doing these things.

We would have never imagined this a year ago, let alone put up with it. But millions of us are putting up with it thanks to a worldwide scare campaign concocted by the left.

In all likelihood the virus was formulated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. And purposely released to damage the West. Were the globalists in on it? Who knows? But even if they weren't, they certainly have made the most of it. As Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's chief of staff once famously said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. It provides the opportunity to do things that were not possible to do before."

All this may sound like the workings of an insane villain in a James Bond movie or a Jules Verne story, but real life can surprise you. Much of the time it is as horrendous or more so than any fictional tale. If this makes me sound like one of those crazy conspiracy theorists, fine. Put me down on that list. The last four years, accentuated by the past ten months has proven to me that what I've lived through is no theory.

The biggest question is, how long will it take before the masses revolt against the tyranny? At some point it has to happen. History has shown that people won't tolerate being shoved around forever. There has to be a breaking point. And when that breaking point finally happens, what then? Certainly anarchy on a scale like we've never imagined. And then what?

Where do we go from there? Hey gang, we're almost at the end of 2020! If ever there was something to celebrate, that's it! A year we will all be happy to get rid of, that's for sure. So let's throw a party.

Well no, our national medicine man, Dr. Fauci, says no parties unless all the guests at your party happen to live in your house.

The fascists in charge of our lives say we're not supposed to get together in large groups, or sing, or shout "Happy New Year!" which used to be the usual way New Year's Eve celebrating worked for hundreds of years.

And if you live in a blue state going out on New Year's Eve is definitely verboten. Just try it; Newsom and Cuomo will have the police drag you off to jail before you can say, "auld lang syne."

Actually, even in the best of years going out on New Year's Eve might be considered something to avoid, what with all the drunks on the road and the crazy steep prices restaurants charge revelers.

But there is no need to despair; you can celebrate the end of this horrible year in the safety and warmth of your own home by watching some feel good classic movies. The following are my suggestions.

"Repeat Performance" This is one pretty obscure movie made in 1947 starring Joan Leslie ("Yankee Doodle Dandy"), Louis Hayward, and Tom Conway but the whole thing takes place on New Year's Eve. Think of a New Year's Eve version of Groundhog Day, only darker. On New Year's a woman gets the chance to relive the past year leading up to the moment she killed her husband.

"An Affair to Remember" Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr find romance aboard a cruise ship on New Years.

"The Horn Blows at Midnight" Jack Benny comedy/fantasy about an angel sent to destroy earth by blowing his trumpet precisely at midnight. Not really concerning New Year's per se, nevertheless it makes the list of New Year's movies just because of its title. Jack Benny makes this one funny and worth it.

"Holiday Inn" Starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. Irving Berlin's holiday picture that includes songs of most of the holidays throughout the year, including of course "White Christmas." Bing operates an inn that is only open on holidays.

New Year's Eve is the first night it's open and it continues throughout the year. The picture ends the following New Year's Eve when Bing sings, "Let's Start the New Year Right."

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"When Harry Met Sally" Romanic comedy from 1989 with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan which culminates with Harry (Billy Crystal) racing through the streets of Manhattan to pledge his love to Sally (Meg Ryan) on New Year's Eve. Some wonderful moments and funny lines make this one of Crystal's best pictures.

Aside from the single movies I mentioned, if you have a hankering for a real New Year's marathon, you might consider binging on all six of "The Thin Man" pictures starring William Powell and Myrna Loy which TCM will be showing all day on New Year's Eve. The elegant Mr. Powell and Miss Loy are the perfect pair for any New Year's celebration.

Another great choice for New Year's binge watching are the ten Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers pictures beginning with 1933's "Flying Down to Rio" and ending with 1949's "The Barkleys of Broadway."

If you just want to laugh out the old year then make it a marathon night with the Marx Brothers. Start out with "The Coconuts," then "Animal Crackers," "Monkey Business," "Horse Feathers," "Duck Soup," and then "A Night at the Opera." Those six are their best.

And you can't go wrong if you opt for a Busby Berkley marathon this New Year's Eve. "42nd Street," "Footlight Parade," "Dames," and "The Gold Diggers of 1933" and "The Gold Diggers of 1935" will keep you tapping your feet and help you forget that sitting in a theater with an audience watching live dancers performing on a Broadway stage is just another thing we aren't allowed to do anymore.

Let's hope next year we can.

