
May 8th, 2024


Bedtime for Bonzo --- and America

Don Feder

By Don Feder

Published Oct. 20, 2021

Bedtime for Bonzo --- and America
Sometimes it's hard to say if President Liver Spots is more gravedigger or corpse.

In the dead of night, plane loads of illegals, mostly minors and teens, are being brought into airports in suburban New York on chartered flights. From there, they'll spread out to areas where they can do the president's party the most good. In July and August, 37,805 "unaccompanied minors" were apprehended at the border. Guess where they ended up? Check your backyard.

A woman was raped on a suburban Philadelphia train. Dozens of passengers watched, some filmed the attack. No one called 911.

Portland, Ore. set a new homicide record. Antifa's unofficial capital had more than 1,000 shootings, with 67 dead and 314 injured as of last Tuesday. Nationally, homicides increased 30% from 2019 to 2020. Police departments decimated by budget cuts (to placate the Defund crowd) are now losing officers to vaccine mandates. Chicago is set to lose a third of its force.

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The price of gas at the pump is up more than $1-a-gallon over last year. The price of heating oil and gas (in what's set to be a particularly cold winter)? Don't ask.

Transportation Sec. Pete the Butt (formerly Mayor of Pothole City, Ind.) says the supply chain problem shows how successful President Age-Associated-Memory-Loss has been at getting Americans back to work – and the crisis at the border is due to climate change.

In August, China (which will surpass the U.S. as the global superpower by 2030) tested nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles – technology they weren't supposed to have. While the PRC teaches students math and science, we teach Critical Race Theory and Transgenderism.

Have another ice cream, Joe. Sniff Jen Psaki's hair. It's bedtime for Bonzo- -- and America.


