
May 5th, 2024


Hillary Clinton, Nowhere Girl

She's a real nowhere girl. Sitting in her nowhere world. Making all her nowhere plans for nobody. Poor Hillary Clinton. She's trying so fervently to come up with at least one new, inspiring idea to jump-start a moribund economy and help the financially stressed-out middle class. She's like the economics professor in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off":…

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07/25/16 The late, great Democratic Party
06/28/16 Hillary Clinton asks for four more years
06/07/16 How Hillary and Bernie will destroy 10 million jobs
05/23/16 Hillary's enablers on the right
03/21/16 The Hillary Recession: Wall Street does not want the devil they know
12/15/15 So just who is the 'proto-fascist' really? .
10/27/15 The liberal war on women
10/13/15 Fed, White House, Congress revise financial bubble history, set up next one
09/21/15 A left-wing pontiff has the opportunity to inspire the renewal of the nation
09/08/15 Blaming entitled millennials misses the point
08/18/15 Hillary wants to make your college even more expensive
07/28/15 This Republican bill will raise government spending and taxes
07/13/15 Socialism, RIP: Tottering European economies prove again the Keynesian model is a failure
06/15/15 Creating a shared prosperity -- yours and America's -- for $100 a month
06/01/15 GOP gluttons back into the hot tub
05/11/15 'Green movement' did itself in --- and not a moment too soon
04/27/15 State of the planet: It's better than ever
09/15/14 Obamanomics victimizes prez's biggest supporters most

