
April 26th, 2024


Just Doesn't 'Get' it!

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published April 6, 2022

Just Doesn't 'Get' it!

On Jan. 7, the California Court of Appeal ruled that the Los Angeles Police Department was justified in its firing of two officers in 2017 after they ignored a robbery call to play Pokemon Go, the Los Angeles Times reported.

On April 15, 2017, Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell were assigned to patrol the LAPD's southwest division. But when a call for backup came over the radio, Lozano and Mitchell were captured on their in-car video responding, “I don't want to be his help” and “screw it.”

Instead, they continued their hunt for a Snorlax and Togetic Pokemon, eventually meeting up with their sergeant at a 7-Eleven.

When he questioned them about the robbery call, they said they hadn't heard it because they were responding to another call, leading their supervisor to review the dashcam footage.

After the officers were fired, they sued, saying that the video captured their “private communications” and that they were improperly questioned.

Five years later, the courts disagreed, and Lozano and Mitchell have plenty of time to hunt for Snorlax and Togetic.