
May 4th, 2024


3 habits that are sure to make others jealous of your marriage

Courtnie Erickson

By Courtnie Erickson FamilyShare

Published March 4, 2016

3 habits that are sure to make others jealous of your marriage
We all know that one couple who seems to have it all. The newlywed stage has passed, but they still look at each other with a starry gaze and flirtatious smile. The way they talk to and treat one another is like a page right out of a romance novel. Unfortunately, these fairy-tale-like couples are becoming a rare gem.

Statistics show there is one divorce every 36 seconds, or 2,400 divorces in America each day. However, you can easily avoid becoming that statistic and create the relationship that is sure to make everyone green with envy. Here are three ways to do it.

1. You move on

Think back to your dating years. You weren't perfect and neither was your sweetheart. However, when he said something that may have offended you or if he picked you up 30 minutes later than planned, most likely you let it go. You moved on and didn't dwell on his mistakes. In marriage, this is a must. You can't hold a grudge or dwell on every mistake your spouse makes. When you do, those small grudges build up into a wall of negativity toward one another. You must move past the little things. Don't forget -- you make plenty of mistakes that he must move on from as well.

2. You make your expectations clear

In a strong marriage, you must set clear expectations of your relationship. You can not assume the other person knows what you expect or you will be walking down a road of disaster. When you assume, you are more likely to experience feelings of disappointment, frustration and anger toward your spouse. Besides, this is an easy fix. Simply talk to one another. For example, if your husband is going to be late from work, tell him you expect a phone call or a text message. If he expects some time to himself throughout the week, he should let you know so you can plan accordingly. Communication is key when setting your expectations.

Marriage is no easy feat. It requires effort from both individuals. You can't have a marriage that everyone hopes to have if you are doing all the work alone. You must be in it together; if not, sit down and make that expectation clear.

3. You let him know he is loved

One of the easiest ways to make others jealous of your relationship is to let your spouse know how much he truly is loved. It is in the little things you do each day that makes a difference. These are small tasks such as watching the kids so you can have time alone or sending doting text messages while he is at work. You don't have to do anything big to let your spouse know how much you care, but you need to be consistent. You can't expect to do numerous things in one day and expect everything to be fine. In marriage, it takes effort, it takes time, it takes love.

Most importantly . . .

There are so many wonderful things you can do to strengthen your marriage. The list could go on. Take a few moments and just look at your spouse. Don't just gaze at him; really look at him. Do you love him? Do you want to care for him more than anything in the world? Is your relationship with one another truly the most important relationship in your life? If you can answer yes to these questions, then don't worry -- there are already others who are jealous of your marriage.

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