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About Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review

Oct. 3, 2011

Truth does not become more true if the whole world were to accept it; nor does it become less true if the whole world were to reject it.   —   Maimonides

war on jihad
The Inside Story Behind the Awlaki Assassination
By Steven Emerson

One of the world's most highly-regarded terrorism experts turns to his sources -- individuals knowledgeable about the operation, including three law enforcement and intelligence officials -- to report the hows of the successful take-down

on law
US Supreme Court opens today with decisions that could change the face of America
By Warren Richey

On the docket this term are, among other topics, gun laws, immigration, racial preferences, and separation of church and state

peace is not the question
A reporter in Libya wanders, and then wonders, about lessons of war
By David Enders

When he arrived, it was easy to believe the narrative. Now, not so much

reality check
Land for peace, yes
By Charles Krauthammer

Why Abbas went to the U.N.

[ D A I L Y     I N S P I R A T I O N ]

By Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.

The most valuable thing we all possess is time. In our busy lives, it's so hard to carve out even a few minutes for reflection, introspection, or meaningful thought. But if we don't have hours at our disposal, we do have a moment here, a moment there. With this series, the author of more than 60 books offers short capsules of wisdom.

From anger management to learning to become a "genius in kindness", here are nuggets of wisdom that will delight and enlighten us. And each will only take a few moments of our precious, precious time.

TODAY: Appreciation

4 books

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
9 to 5
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Bottom Liners
Flo & Friends
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Mallard Filmore
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
The Other Coast
Prickly City
The Wizard of Id

Robert Arial
Chuck Asay
Chuck Asay BONUS!
Lisa Benson
Chip Bok
Chip Bok BONUS!
John Branch
John Cole
John Deering
Brian Duffy
Bob Gorrell
Jerry Holbert
Steve Kelley
Jeff Koterba
Dick Locher
Jimmy Margulies
Rick McKee
Jeff Stahler
Dana Summers
Gary Varvel
Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez BONUS!

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

On the Money by Gail Marks Jarvis: Consider turning back clock on Roth IRA conversion

Dr. Peter Gott: Thrombocytosis worsens with time; grape juice and liquid pectin for arthritic hands

Bruce Williams on JWR: Metals not a golden investment; not adequately prepared for retirement

Walid Phares: Al Awlaki is gone but his Jihadists are multiplying

Rachel Raskin-Zrihen: Another front quietly opens in Islam's war against the Jews

[ I N S I G H T ]

Mark Steyn: Finally, The Cognoscenti Ask: What Could We Be Thinking?

Argus Hamilton skewers politics and contemporary "culture"

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd: Oops!; "Sorry, Honey. I Was Aiming at the Dog"

Star Parker: Why so many blacks continue to fail

Kathleen Parker: Our unprepared graduates

Kathryn Lopez: Abortion and China

David Shribman: The Forgotten War of 1812

Michael Barone: Time to raise Cain to contender status

Suzanne Fields: Mahmoud Abbas Is No Anwar Sadat

Dale McFeatters: Iran says its warships will head for Jersey shore

Roger Simon: The Four Laws of Politics

Wesley Pruden: An ugly preview of campaign '12

Mona Charen: Who Owns History?

Linda Chavez: GOP Can Learn From Reagan on Immigration

Jonah Goldberg: 'Centrists' Are Abandoning Ship

Paul Greenberg: Pot Calls Kettle Risky, Or: The Wit and Wisdom of T. Geithner

Michelle Malkin: Solar Energy School Propaganda 101

David Limbaugh: May 2012 Be a Referendum on Obama's Perverse Vision for America

Rich Lowry: Christie's case

Debra J. Saunders: Is Mitt Romney the Next Meg Whitman?

Diana West: Mullen's mulling is Carter-esque moment

Arnold Ahlert: Can We Legalize Assassination?

Dick Morris: Top Obama fundraiser OK'ed Solyndra loan

Bill O': Solar Power to the People

George Will: Educational overreach: A federal takeover


Rabbi David Aaron: Who is the Divine to Judge?

Caroline B. Glick: For the New Year . . . secular Jewry must learn to embrace true friends and fiercely fight enemies

Melissa Healy: Study: Well-caffeinated women have a key health advantage over their more abstemious sisters

Tevi Troy: The White House's Advice for Your Rabbi

Dennis Prager: The Palestinians Want Peace --- Just Not With a Jewish State

Mark Clayton: A year of Stuxnet: Why is the new cyberweapon's warning being ignored?

G. Jeffrey MacDonald: Does government do too much? That could depend on your view of the Divine

Arnold Ahlert : No Acknowledgment of Israel? No More Money

Paul Greenberg: This Is Where I Came In …

Diane Dimond : When is Photography a Crime?

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Why man is greater than the angels

Caroline B. Glick: Israel's path to victory

Pope says Christians have 'inner affinity' with Jews

> Eryn Brown and Amina Khan : Faster than light? CERN findings leave science world in shock

Rabbi Joshua Hess : Floyd Mayweather and King Solomon's Advice for Cleaning up Washington

Victor Davis Hanson: Can Israel Survive?

George Friedman of Stratfor : Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities

The Kosher Gourmet By Noelle Carter : Fresh and bright with flavor, this smooth sangria combines a touch of vanilla with just a hint of heat

Yossi Klein Halevi: The non-hawk's case against a forced Palestinian state

Jeff Jacoby: A Palestinian state? Don't count on it

Larry Oakes: Dangerous synthetic drugs available online; users play chemical roulette

Cal Thomas: If Israel Disappears

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: 'Diplomacy of September'

Caroline B. Glick: Funding the enemy

Maher Abukhater : Abbas' defiant move at the UN may be met with hostility --- at home

Warren Richey: Appeals court's unusual ruling: Convicted enemy combatant's sentence not tough enough

Jonathan Tobin: The UN Disaster is Obama's Fault

Diane Dimond: Laws to Catch Up With Science

Matea Gold and Tom Hamburger: Silicon Valley gives conservative Christians a boost

Ashley Powers: Colorado men accused of taking dead friend for a ride

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Gotta serve somebody

Caroline B. Glick: The Palestinian obsession

David Ashenfelter and Tresa Baldas: Judge's ruling on Miranda rights in terrorism case touches off legal debate

Mike Cassidy : CEO of a global company blends business, religious devotion

Clifford D. May : The European Caliphate

Robert Marquand: Denmark's election a litmus test for Europe's embrace of Muslims

Paul Greenberg: Mindstream

Warren Richey: ‘God Bless America’? Not in high school math class, US judges rule

Scott Peterson: Will all of those altruistic Libyan rebels be tried for war crimes?

Melissa Healy: Insulin may slow Alzheimer's, study finds

Phil Willon: Girl slain, 2 wounded in apparent retaliation for good deed

Ed Koch: Will the President and Congress Send a Message to Turkey and Egypt That An Attack Upon Israel Will Be Viewed As An Attack Upon the U.S.?

Caroline B. Glick: Lessons from the embassy takeover

Jeffrey Fleishman: Turkey's prime minister to meet with Egyptian leaders in effort to strengthen ties

Pete Spotts: In search for life, more planet 'candidates' are found. Are any just right?

Howard LaFranchi: Western hopes for tough UN action against Syria appear doomed

Tracy Wilkinson: 'Opening' of Cuba makes a Jewish Scrabble-lover feel more at home

Edmund Sanders: Israel's international isolation and bullying are backfiring

Henry Chu: In Britain, schools battle rising hemlines by banning skirts

Rabbi Benjamin Blech: Forgive the terrorists?

Jonathan Mark : E-mails from the end of the world

Eytan Kobre: Revealed miracles and Divine protection in Manhattan

Caroline B. Glick: The war America fights

Victor Davis Hanson: Myth and Reality After 9/11

Clifford D. May : Disoriented: The state of too many Western leaders ten years after 9/11/01

Jeffrey Fleishman and Amro Hassan: Prosecutors face setback in case against Mubarak

Scott Peterson: The deadly dilemma of Libya's missing weapons

John Rosemond: How hands-on parents will raise dependent dependents

George Friedman of Stratfor : Who won the post 9/11 war?

Tina Susman: A 9/11 street teacher at the scene of the crime

Ken Dilanian: A key Sept. 11 legacy: Rather surveillance than sorry?

Dennis Prager : What if Congressional Black Caucus Were Accused of Wanting Jews Gassed?

Peter Hermann : Courts grapple with GPS technology in criminal cases

Newley Purnell : Muslim insurgency heats up --- in Thailand's restive south

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg : From generation to generation

Caroline B. Glick : Cliche-based foreign policy

Diana West : International jihad is against the Bible and those who regard it as sacred

Jeff Jacoby: How to be anti-religious

Clifford D. May: Palestinian Leaders to Seek the UN's Blessing … Not for a two-state solution. For a two-stage execution

Mark Clayton: What US cybersecurity needs: A few more good guys … to be hackers

Betsy Sharkey: ‘The Debt’

Rabbi Moshe Averick: A Plea to Atheists: Pedophilia is next on the Slippery Slope; Let us turn back before it's too late

Brian Bennett: Post-9/11 assessment finds glaring security gaps

The Kosher Gourmet By Noelle Carter: Bread pudding in swirls of caramel

Amina Khan: Electronic 'tattoo' could monitor vital organ functions

Caroline B. Glick: The perils of a remilitarized Sinai

Dennis Prager: Israel --- an Apartheid State?

Karen Kaplan: Like caffeine? There's a gene for that, two of them, actually

Gert Van Langendonck and Kristen Chick: Libya rebel leaders say they're in charge. Not so fast, say some in Tripoli

Steven Emerson: Justice Dept. Keeping Islamic Bank Settlement Secret

Judi Light Hopson, Emma H. Hopson and Ted Hagen : Steer clear of emotional vampires

Steve Schmadeke: Adult children's 'bad mothering' lawsuit

David Enders: Libyan rebels must decide what to do with pro-Gadhafi prisoners

Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetsky: The majesty of man ( MUST READ!)

Caroline B. Glick : Glenn Beck's revealing visit

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Do we really need another "national" Jewish museum?

Clifford D. May : Better understanding of Islamist experience needed

Erica Rodriguez and Martin E. Comas : Teacher who made Facebook comments about gays is reinstated

Robert Marquand: Could NATO's Libya mission be its last hurrah?

Jeannine Stein : Older people may learn better through trial and error

George Friedman of Stratfor: Factors in the unfolding of next Israeli-Arab crisis

Mark Guarino : Can Facebook get teachers fired?

John Keilman and Robert McCoppin : Social networking turning teens anti-social?

Melissa Healy: New research challenges thinking on lowering artery-clogging cholesterol

Fred Weir : Russian company offers ultimate capitalist vacation: Stay at luxury hotel in orbit

Dr. Dovid Lieberman: Why we continuously re-energize painful experiences

Joshua Mitnick: Israel's Iron Dome system reassures nation on Gaza

Nicholas Carr: Parents, schools, beware the e-book bandwagon

Hannah Allam: For Libyan rebels, forgiving Gadhafi supporters could be toughest task of all

Zev Chafets: Why is Glenn Beck going to Israel?

Suliman Ali Zway, Hannah Allam and Shashank Bengali: Gadhafi regime collapsing as jubilation sweeps Tripoli

Shari Roan: One in six babies who die from critical congenital heart disease were undiagnosed. Simple, pain-free test is crucial

Warren Richey: US judges rule for teacher who called creationism 'superstitious nonsense'

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The Almighty as an Idol: The Tragedy of the Religious

Caroline B. Glick: Blood in the Streets

Ron Scherer: Why the stock market took a pounding Thursday

Rabbi Joshua Hess: At 85, Ralph Branca, the pitcher who surrendered 'the shot heard 'round the world', is back in the news --- but for the wrong reasons

Tom A. Peter: It took a decade, but the Taliban will no longer receive American money to use against US troops

Linda Feldman: Why some tea partyers are skeptical of Rick Perry

Clifford D. May: The Arab Spring and Europe's fall

Caroline B. Glick: The Left's Faustian bargain

Saeed Shah: US considers funding $12 billion Pakistani dam project, despite dissipating anti-terrorism cooperation and the angering of India

Shari Roan: Study: Treatment of sleep-disordered breathing may prevent dementia

Maud Dillingham : Emma Stone and 'The Help': Does liking this movie make you racist?

Dennis Prager: Still the Only Solution to the World's Problems

Alana Semuels and Nathaniel Popper: Upcoming reports could calm -- or validate -- recession fears

Kristen Chick: Case against Egypt's Mubarak is shoddy, say some lawyers

Borzou Daragahi: Syria orders thousands into stadium in Latakia crackdown

Richard A. Serrano : ATF promotes Fast and Furious supervisors

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.: The Greatest of Our Holidays You Never Heard of

Kristen Chick: Why Egypt is angry over $65 million in US democracy grants

Lesley Clark: ObamaBus is an effort for prez to test rhetoric on everyday Americans

Michael Steininger: Berlin Wall turns 50 — and some want to rebuild it, barbed wire and all

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb : Unanswered prayers force unlearning lessons

Caroline B. Glick:Warning to GOPers and their presidential aspirants: There are more than two foreign policy options

George Friedman of StratFor : Global Economic Downturn: A Crisis of Political Economy

Diana West: The CIA should be a bit more ‘CAIR’ less

Roger Moore: Revenge of the nerds

Carol Rosenberg: At Guantanamo, more than 50% of jailed are voluntarily violating Ramadan

David Zucchino : Libyan rebels embrace U.S. and its flag

Mark Trumbull: Dow takes another dive: What is making investors worried?

Clifford D. May : Borrowing from Communists to pay Jihadis?

Hannah Allam: Despite outcry over Syria crackdown, why few are calling for Assad to go

Kurt Streeter: A heartbreaking wartime sacrifice and later, a father's quest

Casey Schwartz: Why It's Smart to Be Bilingual

Steven Thomma and Maria Recio: Pol Perry, proud man of faith, has GOPers putting their faith in him

Warren Richey: American Muslim pleads guilty to using the Internet to solicit terrorism

Borzou Daragahi: Syrian President Bashar Assad target of war crimes investigation

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Spiritual Impressionism

Caroline B. Glick: Norway's Jewish problem

Jean Chatzky: Surviving the Debt Deal

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: It's 'crazy' to ignore Shariah

Peter Grier: Navy SEALs and special ops will have their duties increased in Afghanistan war

Alan Bavley: Hospital blood tests can lead to anemia, researchers find

Owen Matthews and Anna Nemtsova: Fascist Russia?

Anna Mulrine: How Afghanistan civilian deaths have changed the way the US military fights

Sheera Frenkel: More than a quarter-million take to the streets in 'Israeli summer' protest

Robert Marquand: Tea-party hobbits? Hardly, say indignant Tolkien scholars

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Conflicting visions: Religion v. 'reality'

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's only policy

Jordan 'Gorf' Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip that crosses cultures and faiths

Jeannine Stein: Want to live a long time? Choose your genes well

David Sarno, Salvador Rodriguez and Ken Dilanian: Hackers infiltrate computer networks of thousands of companies

Brian Bennett: White House outlines plan to battle homegrown extremism

Clifford D. May: Who's to Blame for Terrorism?

Howard LaFranchi: After months of death and destruction, UN Security Council finally rebukes Syria

Jonathan Rosenblum: Beyond the range of rational

Nicholas Blanford: Why Arab leaders are largely silent on Syria's brutal crackdown

Alexander Christie-Miller: How Turkey's military upheaval will affect NATO

Andrew Seidman: Homeland Security to regulate sale of fertilizer used in bombings

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Legal Larceny : Investigating the hidden cost of free money

Steven Emerson Justice Elusive for Americans Killed in Gaza

Scott Canon Meat without feet — from a petri dish: Credible or inedible?

Howard LaFranchi: Obama administration pushing forward with India-style nuclear pact for Saudi Arabia

Mohannad Sabry Egypt 'unity' rally turns into Islamist show of strength

Frank Radosevich Norway terror attack exposes deeper anger over immigration

Steve Schmadeke Judge on a roll with toilet paper opinion

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Oh, That I May Believe!

Caroline B. Glick Breivik and totalitarian democrats

Chris Vaughn and Darren Barbee How the AWOL Muslim soldier accused of plotting to kill Fort Hood troops was foiled

Melissa Healy No increased cancer risk found among kids who use cellphones

Mark Clayton: America's power grid too vulnerable to cyberattack, US report warns

Melissa Healy Men juggle, too: Competing work and family demands stress out more guys nowadays

Mohannad Sabry Torture still rampant in post-revolution Egypt, activists say

Rabbi Avi Shafran : The heavens are the Lord's

Jonathan Tobin U.S. Pays Salaries to Palestinian Terrorists

Joshua Mitnick Why Netanyahu is suddenly unpopular in Israel

Jeffrey Fleishman: Upcoming Mubarak trial a prism for Egypt's contending passions

Jane J. Lee 12-year study links diet soda to larger waistlines

Dennis Prager : What Will It Take to Wake Jews Up?

Caroline B. Glick Israel lobbying Congress for the Palestinians and UNRWA?

Frank Gaffney Jr. Warning from Norway: Psychopathic rampage mustn't discredit preservation of European values

Robin Erb: University refines technique for embryonic stem cell alternatives

Warren Richey Federal court: If you're arrested, officials can take a DNA sample

Rabbi David Aaron : We don't serve an egomaniacal deity

Caroline B. Glick When raw ambition puts your career before your country's security

Kristen Chick Egypt to ban foreign election observers in first 'democratic' election

Scott Farwell : A Torah scroll's unlikely journey to remote Uganda village

Jeff Jacoby Population boon

Clifford D. May Why Bashar al-Assad matters to the West --- and what the Obama administration still doesn't grasp

Lisa M. Krieger : Simple lifestyle changes could help prevent Alzheimer's, study says

Lydia Mulvany Now it's the Arabs who are disillusioned with Obama, experts say

Paul Richter U.S. backs off tough rhetoric against Syria, Assad

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Other Face of Tragedy

Caroline B. Glick Israel's only two options

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Anti-American activities: Congress needs a Cold War-style effort to root out civilizational jihad

Rabbi Joshua Hess: U.S. Women's Soccer and the Problem of American Exceptionalism

Lou Marano David Mamet's Tragic Vision

Lisa M. Krieger This is Your Brain on Google

Rabbi Berel Wein: All in the Family

Caroline B. Glick Caution: Storm Approaching

Mark Clayton Pentagon unveils its new cyberstrategy. Well, some of it, anyway.

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Past and present imperfect

Dan Ephron Egypt's Rising Power Player

Saeed Shah U.S.-Pakistan relations likely to implode? (Includes update re bin-Laden DNA doc)

Howard LaFranchi Libya conflict: Is Qaddafi's exit in the offing?

Caroline B. Glick: Three unlearned lessons about appeasement may yet again cause massive loss of life

Saeed Shah Pakistan jails doctor who secretly collected DNA for bin Laden raid

Hector Becerra and Paloma Esquivel Illegals call 911 after being stranded on island off Calif. coast

Howard LaFranchi: Can Mideast Quartet, meeting today, entice Palestinians to drop plan for UN vote on statehood?

Mitchell Landsberg Roadwork respects Jewish ritual

Saeed Shah US suspends military aid to Pakistan

Rabbi Berel Wein: An ugly reality that only the most enlightened refuse to concede

Caroline B. Glick Syria's rival hegemons

Michelle Malkin Beware of Dr. Jihad

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Mistaking Identity

Clifford D. May MAD in the 21st Century

Mohannad Sabry Egypt's gas pipeline a target for anger at Israel, Mubarak

The Kosher Gourmet by Susan M. Selasky Put summer vegetables to work in easy, eggy frittata

Dick Morris: Obama and his Jewish loyalists

Alan Bavley Study finds 1 in 9 elective angioplasties could be unnecessary

Jeffrey Fleishman Muslim Brotherhood, preparing for upcoming election, purging pols considered too moderate

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: The Tipping Point: Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

Craig Welch and Mike Carter In their own words: Eavesdropping on Seattle Muslims' terror plot

Hannah Allam Egypt rejection of U.S. aid a sign of future rifts?

Jordan 'Gorf' Gorfinkel gets philosophical in this thought-provoking toon

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: Dead Read Heifers and the Sanctity of Human Life

Caroline B. Glick Unmasking the 'international community'

Aram Roston: Welfare for Dictators

Howard LaFranchi US unveils significantly different counterterrorism strategy: Three key parts

The Kosher Gourmet by Noelle Carter: Souffle-like rise makes these cornsticks crisp on the outside and soft in the middle

Jonathan Tobin: Lawsuit Threat Slows Flotilla Launch

Anna Mulrine At Obama's Pentagon, ‘be all that you can be’ becoming ‘dress for success’

Amro Hassan: Christian billionaire faces wave of Muslim anger over bearded Mickey Mouse photo

Lawrence W. Reed: The deficit Americans should think about most

Michael Doyle Supreme Court rules against California on Holocaust-era art

Ben Arnoldy: Is the Taliban using young girls in suicide bombings?

Stephen L. Carter: Lost in Afghanistan?

Hannah Allam In Egypt, stealthy campaign underway for big Islamist wins in parliamentary elections later this year

Thomas H. Maugh II: British researchers develop 'cure' for Type 2 diabetes

Rabbi Berel Wein: A biblical warning about populist 'leaders'

Caroline B. Glick Liberal American Jewish suckers

Fred Weir : Yelena Bonner: Are there any dissidents like her in Russia today?

Kim Murphy: Muslim pair, American citizens, accused of plotting anti-military attack

Alex Rodriguez: Afghans fear U.S. drawdown will allow Taliban to regroup

John Rosemond: Don't confuse fulfilling a child's ‘needs’ with being an overprotective parent

Steven Emerson CAIR Loses IRS Status

Maria L. La Ganga : Jews, Muslims unite to file suit over San Fran proposed circumcision ban

The Kosher Gourmet by Carole Kotkin: Middle Eastern cuisine meets Italian delicious with this lentil and eggplant pastitsio

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Is Altruism a programmed response?

Eoin O'Carroll Did a Jerusalem court really sentence a dog to death by stoning?

Mary Helen Miller : US losing its technological edge? No!

Borzou Daragahi: Iran's Ahmadinejad again facing humiliation at home

Caroline B. Glick: An Obama foreign policy

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Determined disinterest in our own destruction

David S. Cloud and Christi Parsons: 10,000 soldiers coming home from Afghanistan, just not now

Ben Arnoldy and Tom A. Peter: Why NATO and the Taliban are stepping up the fight — even as talks get under way

Owais Tohid: Pakistani teen tells of his recruitment, training as suicide bomber

Elaine Woo Al Schwimmer, American World War II vet who flew missions over Europe, arranged for Jews in Palestine to be armed with crucial fighter planes prior to state's War of Independence

Joshua Mitnick: Guaranteed: How Israel and Egypt can preserve a cold peace

Caroline B. Glick: Yale, Jews, and Double Standards

Justin Fenton Meet the new Dr. Death

Jason Walsh: Atheist confab in Ireland comes as Europe confronts religion in public life

Roger Moore: In 'X-Men: First Class' Holocaust survivor character becomes 'Frankenstein's monster' in pursuit of creator

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: In quest of spirituality

Caroline B. Glick The real Egyptian revolution

Saeed Shah: Pakistan's bin Laden probe falters before it even starts

Ken Dilanian: Yemen's chaos is boost to al-Qaida, U.S. officials warn

Gloria Goodale What's at stake in Google's plan to digitize all the world's books

Mike Carter: Will the law, like their preferences, go both ways?

Michael Steininger: Arab refugee influx causes Europe to rethink its open borders

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Why — and whose — Jerusalem?

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip Everything's Relative : Jerusalem: An lllustrative Comparative Study of Scholastic Reality

Paige McClanahan: Who gets Qaddafi's cash?

Brian Bennett and Michael A. Memoli: Iraqis indicted on terrorism charges came to US as refugees

Caroline B. Glick: Where Obama is leading Israel

W.J. Hennigan: Pentagon seeks mini-weapons for new age of warfare

Monica Eng: Whole lotta money at stores like Whole (Paycheck) Foods doesn't mean you are receiving what you think

Rabbi Berel Wein: Be all that you should be

Caroline B. Glick: The lessons of Netanyahu's triumph

Charles Krauthammer: What Obama did to Israel

Kim Geiger: Progressives frustrated at new anti-terror, defense bill

Alan M. Dershowitz: Obama explains --- and makes it worse

Diana West: 'Senseless' seems easier than saying 'jihad'

Jeff Jacoby: A ban on circumcision?

William Weir: Researchers up on chocolate milk, down on energy drinks

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: It's midnight --- have your neighbors ascended to heaven?

Jonathan Rosenblum: The gullible, the guilty, and the ignorance of truth are crucial in advancing Obama's New Middle East

Dana Milbank: How Obama has empowered Netanyahu

Paul Greenberg: The Scapegoat Syndrome

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's diversionary tactics

Ed Koch: If President Obama does not change his position on the Jewish State, I cannot vote for his reelection

Cal Thomas: Betraying Israel

Mona Charen: A false friend can do more damage than an open enemy

Howard LaFranchi: On Europe trip, Obama to argue against a vote for a Palestinian state

Borzou Daragahi and Ramin Mostaghim: Iran's supreme leader and president wrestle for power

Jonathan Tobin: Obama's False Choice

Michael Barone: Obama Channels W. --- Except on Israel and Palestinians

Paul Greenberg: The Latest Futility: New President, Same Middle East

Kiss' Gene Simmons: 'Obama Has No F*^%ing Idea What the World is Like'

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: The big ‘IF’: The Question of Free Choice

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Despite Obama's Speech, Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria Will Outlive Us All

Kristen Chick: Obama's Middle East speech missed 'historic opportunity,' say many Arabs

Wesley Pruden: Obama's great gift to the Palestinians

Charles Krauthammer: The news in Obama's speech

Margaret Talev: As America sinks deeper in debt, Obama will call for billions in aid to Egypt and Tunisia

Kristen Chick: Egypt shifts to military justice for civilians in post-Mubarak era

Paul Greenberg: Critique of Pure Reason

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta: This recipe for Maple Muffins rivals any I have tried in Vermont

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Rebels without a cause

Ron Moreau: The Taliban's plan is to undo the Americans' recent gains with the fiercest spring offensive ever --- and that seems to be just fine with Pakistan's ISI

Sheera Frenkel: With Obama Mideast speech looming, Netanyahu discusses territorial concessions

Nancy Churnin: New tools and techniques emerging to protect your ticker

Warren Richey: Atheists lose another case at Supreme Court

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Muslim outreach, Take 2

Dennis Prager: Are the Jews the Chosen People?

Patrick J. McDonnell and Ned Parker: Hague prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Gadhafi, his son

Jay Levin: Jay D. Fischer, lawyer who represented Klinghoffers in Achille Lauro case, dies

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's newest ambush

Mark Steyn: Why Pakistan knew it could hide Osama

Kristen Chick: Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, at least 12 Killed, 232 Injured; churches set ablaze

Lisa M. Krieger: Science meets sleuthing when, for first time, researchers build Parkinson's disease in a dish to study cells' death

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Supreme Court steps into White House-Congress feud over Jerusalem status

Caroline B. Glick: The PLO's desperate defenders

Harriet Ryan: Group that made a mockery of Jewish mysticism now focus of IRS investigation into tax evasion

J.M. Brown: Town to appeal Nazi salute case to Supreme Court

Warren Richey: Supreme Court steps into White House-Congress feud over Jerusalem status

Ken Dilanian: CIA officials: Crucial info in bin Laden capture came from interrogation tactics now forsworn by Obama administration

Edmund Sanders and Paul Richter: Palestinian unity pact can't erase factions' distrust, fierce Israeli opposition

Mary Gail Hare: Soldier's body, presumed unknown since WWII, returned to Md.

Alan M. Dershowitz: Targeted Killing Vindicated

Steven Emerson: Al-Qaida's New Battle Hardened, Difficult Leader

Scott Stewart of Stratfor: Bin Laden's Death and the Implications for Jihadism

Nat Hentoff: Free speech and free press in a future Palestinian U.N. state?

Phil Willon: Neo-Nazi leader is shot dead by son,10

Scott Canon and Rick Montgomery: An anti-obituary: If bin Laden was never born

Jeff Jacoby: Bin Laden was right about one thing

Tina Susman: Bin Laden's quick burial leaves victims' families unsatisfied

Matea Gold, Eryn Brown and David S. Cloud: Meet the bin Laden death doubters

Bob Drogin, Christi Parsons and Ken Dilanian: 40 minutes to capture or kill: Timeline, history of Osama bin Laden raid

Jonathan S. Landay: Bin Laden raid years in the making, minutes in execution

Alex Rodriguez : Killing of bin Laden in heart of Pakistan likely to raise new suspicions

Debra J. Saunders: Intolerant Left Strikes Again

Jeff Jacoby: Hitler is dead. Hitlerism lives on

Rabbi David Aaron: Happiness through Holiness

Caroline B. Glick: Netanyahu's time to choose

Mona Charen: You needn't be a royal watcher to join whole-heartedly in the rejoicing at a wedding. And we should celebrate

Suzanne Fields: Eichmann's Evil No Longer Banal

Mark Clayton: Cyberespionage: US finds FBI agents in elite unit lack necessary skills

Anna Mulrine: How Leon Panetta could change Washington as next Defense secretary

Howard LaFranchi: If Palestinian rift is healed, does that help US aims in Middle East?

Jonathan S. Landay: Why the international community is giving brutal Assad a pass

John Rosemond: Parents without borders

Cal Thomas: Sharia Compliance in Dearborn, Mich.

Howard LaFranchi: Amid brutal crackdown, Syria poised to join UN Human Rights Council

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein of South Africa: Truth Stands the Test of Time

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's altruistic foreign policy

Borzou Daragahi : How Assad survives

Hannah Allam: Leadership vacuum in Suez illustrates Egypt's instability

Paul Greenberg: The Bible in School: A Retort to Modern Contempt

Thomas H. Maugh II: New research could lead to new types of treatment for Type 2 diabetes

Qanta A. Ahmed: France's burqa ban: A brave step that we Muslims should welcome

Rabbi Berel Wein: The secret of how the data bank of memory is transferred from one generation to the next

Edmund Sanders: The faces of evil

Warren Richey: Defense of Marriage Act: Was the Obama administration only pretending to defend it?

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: How morality becomes malleable

Caroline B. Glick: Turkey's cautionary tale

Warren Richey: Legal challenge to National Day of Prayer thrown out

Elaine Woo: Arthur Marx, writer, son of Groucho, dies at 89

Warren Richey: Feds' request: Let us take on jail that bans all books except the Bible

Joshua Mitnick: Palestinian Authority gaining crucial boost for state from the IMF and World Bank

Hannah Allam: In post-Mubarak Egypt, country's most extreme embrace well proven political rule: The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Shari Roan: New procedure promises to be a breakthrough in lung transplants

Jonathan Rosenblum: Happiness Can't be Pursued …

Scott Peterson: The deep roots of Libya's psychology of violence

Shashank Bengali: Libyan rebel chief with U.S. ties feels abandoned

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen X strip crosses religions and cultures, Everything's Relative

Mary Williams: How this Christian JWR Reader found inspiration and enlightenment in her own faith through a new Jewish Bible

Ken Dilanian: CIA knows where one of world's most dangerous terrorism suspects is, but refuses to take action

Wesley Pruden: Tough decisions for the ditherer-in-chief

Robert Marquand : Face veil ban: Will France take a hard line?

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident --- or do we?

Thomas H. Maugh, II: The man who helped save millions of lives yet few knew his name

Howard LaFranchi: Dissidents: Secret factories mass manufacturing key parts for Iran nuclear program

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident --- or do we?

Thomas H. Maugh, II: The man who helped save millions of lives yet few knew his name

Howard LaFranchi: Dissidents: Secret factories mass manufacturing key parts for Iran nuclear program

Aisha Sultan: Consequences of raising children in a bubble

Steven Emerson: Mueller Talks FBI Budget Challenges, Reaffirms CAIR Ban

Susan Reimer: Missing the good old days of the Cold War

Ron Scherer: Is Obama's nod to Sharpton an asset or liability for 2012 reelection bid?

Martin Peretz: Richard Goldstone Recants a Blood Libel

Richard A. Serrano: Might a military jury deny 9/11 suspect's death wish?

Shari Roan: Time to reconsider estrogen-only therapy?

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta: Superb, easy to prepare Italian dishes with generous portions of nuts

Dennis Prager: Why the Almighty Isn't Doing Well These Days

Caroline B. Glick: Palestinian statehood is increasingly more likely. The lessons that can -- and must -- be learned from the Goldstone affair

David G. Savage: Supreme Court supports tax breaks that subsidize religious schools

> Alastair Crooke: Libya vs. Bahrain: Danger of the West's double standard

Jonathan Tobin: Goldstone Recants! Will the Left Follow His Example?

Robert Marquand: France's Sarkozy faces rifts on Islam debate

Fred Tasker: Major breakthrough in Alzheimer's research

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: The Mystery of Suffering

Caroline B. Glick: Jewry's Jewish problem

Jonathan S. Landay: Will Obama's cautiousness actually bring disaster instead of preventing it?

Bridget Carey: WWII soldier receives Bronze Medal --- 66 years after heroic rescue

Scott Peterson: What if Qaddafi is actually telling the truth?

Melanie Phillips: The West is now an open goal for its enemies

Jeffrey Fleishman: Out loud, Syrian president blames conspiracies for unrest, remains vague on reforms

Edmund Sanders: Assad missing anti-Israel irony --- or is he?

Andrew Zajac: FDA moves to undercut huge price increase by pregnancy drug maker

George Friedman of Stratfor : What Happened to the American Declaration of War?

Jeff Jacoby: Shaking the house that Assad built

Jessica Guynn: Paul Baran, inventor who helped pave the way for Internet, passes at 84

John Fauber: Procedure to shrink prostate shows promise as alternative to surgery

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: The 'anti-Pete King' hearing

Caroline B. Glick : The Syrian spring

Cal Thomas: A Gift for the Obvious

Mike Boehm: Prominent museum agrees to return painting looted by Nazis

Rabbi Joshua Hess: Rabbi to NFL: Pass the pig . . . skin, already!

Peter Cary and Nancy A. Youssef: Pentagon spends billions to fight roadside bombs, with little success

Paul Greenberg: Rommel Drives on Deep Into Egypt

Peter Mayer: Pope visits scene of Nazi massacre

Mitch Albom: Dearly E-Parted Deserve Better

Rabbi David Aaron: Meat your morality (PROFOUND!)

Caroline B. Glick: Understanding the third terror war

Fred Tasker: New stem cell study promises to heal the heart

John Rosemond: Today's parents frustrated with lack of instant gratification

Steven Emerson: CAIR bigs sought Gaddafi money, then denounced him on cue

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Mideast "experts"; self importance on primetime

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The Book of Esther: The Story of Human Importance

Caroline B. Glick: World to Israel: Surrender before it's too late

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Don't confuse Judaism with 'Jersey Shore'

Faith in the Face of Evil: Glenn Beck finds inspiration after Fogel massacre (PLEASE FORWARD AND "SHARE" WITH FRIENDS)

Dennis Prager: The Other Tsunami

David Suissa: A challenge to the 'peace' camp

Rabbi Berel Wein: Did you hear that?

Cal Thomas: Hunting for Terrorists, not Witches

Kristen Chick: Christians ever more wary in 'New Egypt'

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Say what?

Paul Greenberg: The Uses of Antisemitism

Caroline B. Glick: Meet the spiritual warriors who battle for women where feminists -- and 'liberated' men -- fear to tread

John Rosemond: Parenting resolution revolution

Mark Steyn: No, not terrorism, but a 'tragic event'

Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Count Me In

Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: Religion will never be replaced by social media --- if we act now Caroline B. Glick: Left still blind to evil --- but this time the stakes are far greater

Dennis Prager: Eight Reasons Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt

Paul Greenberg: The Arab Revolt

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip, Everything's Relative, crosses religions and cultures

Paul Richter and David S. Cloud: Obama looks to Europe to take principal role in Libyan crisis

Kim Murphy: In Jordan, King Abdullah II getting earful from tribal leaders

Hannah Allam: At long last, a reporter gets an unfiltered look at Libya

Shari Roan: Reason to celebrate hot flashes at menopause

Rabbi David Aaron: Successful people are unaccomplished (PROFOUND!)

Caroline B. Glick: A first taste of the New Middle East

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Inside Muammar's Madhouse: Calling on Colonel Gaddafi

Warren Richey: American jihadi gets 25 years for 'South Park' and Facebook death threats

George Friedman of Stratfor: Revolution and the Muslim World

Greg Gordon: Families of Lockerbie dead out to make sure Gadhafi is held accountable

Robert Marquand: Why upheaval in the Arab world was met with slow, tepid response from the E.U.

Caryle Murphy: Will Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah's bribe of $36 billion in benefits work?

Warren Richey : Supreme Court refuses appeal about Ten Commandments displays

Hannah Allam: A harrowing drive through Libya's revolt

Fred Weir: Medvedev rebuffs Gorbachev's warning of ‘Egyptian scenario’ in Russia. Who's right?

Melissa Healy: Study by National Institutes of Health neuroscientist likely to trigger new questions about cell-phone use, health fears

Rabbi Zelig Pliskin: LIFE IS NOW: Creating Moments of Joy, Courage, Kindness, and Serenity

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's devastatingly mixed signals

Edmund Sanders and Batsheva Sobelman: In Egypt, 'pro-democracy' leaders already seeking to 'reassess' peace with Israel

Wesley Pruden: No time for Pollyanna and more euphoria

Neela Banerjee and Ronald D. White: Overthrowing autocrats comes at a stiff price --- soaring oil prices

Jonathan Tobin: How Pro-Israel is Obama? Assessing the United Nations Post-Veto Fallout

Edmund Sanders: Hamas thrilled at opportunity in change in Egypt

Jonathan S. Landay, Warren P. Strobel and Shashank Bengali: First Libyan city falls to Gadhafi's opponents

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Regaining the wonder

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Nothing but the Truth Frank D. Roylance: What a discovered Jewish ritual bath, uncovered by archaeologists, reveals about American history

Kim Murphy: Middle East nations scramble to contain unrest

Gal Beckerman: Tireless Activist for Soviet Jews Now Needs Lifeline of Her Own

Rabbi David Aaron: The Owners' Manual to the Incredible You

David Suissa: George Soros: I challenge you to confront reality --- and the truth

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Reaching our Creator in every generation

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The Need for Heresy in faith

Caroline B. Glick: The pragmatic fantasy

Dr. Dovid Lieberman: Difficult people: The solution, not the problem

Jeffrey Fleishman: Palestinian group responsible for New Year's Day church bombing, Egypt says

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: 'Not yet' Jews by choice

Caroline B. Glick: How America treats its allies?

Jonathan Rosenblum: Partners in creation

Steven Emerson: Gov. Christie's Strange Relationship with Radical Islam

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Modern incarnation of Noah's ark (Global warming protection)

Sarah Avery: Your body is thwarting your weight-loss efforts

Jeffrey Fleishman and Amro Hassan: Will revolt in Tunisia inspire others?

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: Bringing the Divine Home

Caroline B. Glick: Exposing the puppetmasters

Jonathan Tobin: Palin and the Blood Libel

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Always the Jews --- not: Give the maniac credit for what he is

Rivy Poupko Kletenik: Mad Men Mussar

Dr. Dovid Lieberman: The Psychology of Relationships: How to Love and Be Loved


Ed Koch: What are they afraid that we'll discover?

Kristen Chick: 'THEY HATE US!': Coptic Christians in Egypt refuse to surrender, even as deadly reality grows more grim

Shmarya (Scott) Rosenberg: Baruch Tegegne, Who Saved Ethiopian Jews

Rabbi Berel Wein: The Law Giver's crisis of faith --- and ours

Paul Greenberg: How Did This Happen? (The Editor in Chief's wife would like you to read this Pultitzer Prize winner's column)

Karen Kaplan: Certain type of baby formula may be making babies fat, study says

John Rosemond: Ignore your kids

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Open Eyes, and an Open Heart

Joshua Mitnick: Israel warns Gaza missiles could provoke new offensive against terrorists

Rabbi Joshua Hess: Johnson & Job

Batsheva Sobelman: The search for Sodom and Gomorrah: Scientists drill beneath Dead Sea seeking priceless data

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Walking in Circles: Why the Fearless shall not Fall

Steven Emerson: Why the 'Palestinians' still suffer

Rabbi David Aaron: Jews do not pray

Tim Rutten: Iraq's war on Christians

John Rosemond: Success stories of parents setting boundaries

Jessica Yadegaran: Multivitamins: Most likely myth, not magic

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Two types of power

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: Websites can have bar mitzvahs? You gotta be kidding!

John Rosemond: Parenting 101 in session (Conclusion)

Thomas H. Maugh II: Study: How to Significantly Reduce Mortality from Certain Cancers Simply

Annysa Johnson: Apps bring religion into the 21st century

Jonathan Rosenblum: Doing the math in a 'two state solution'

Rabbi Dov Fischer: In the end, it will all finally make perfect sense

Rabbi Moshe Sherer: Exploiting the Menorah --- and the Miracle

Andrea Simantov: The beauty of 'nice'

Meredith Cohn: Awareness is key to fighting depression; preventing suicides

Tim Rutten: A Holocaust tale beyond tasteless

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Joseph: The Tragedy of Being Truly Righteous

Caroline B. Glick: Rocking Obama's world

Rabbi Joshua Hess: Running up the score: Is it kosher?

Meredith Cohn: Method to erase traumatic memories may be on the horizon

Manya A. Brachear: Hospice patient's rite of passage inspires others

John Rosemond: Parenting 101 in session

Jonathan Rosenblum : You ain't seen nothing yet

Rabbi Berel Wein: Emulating Esau

Thomas H. Maugh II: Scientists reveal surgical procedure for hard to cure hypertension

Martin M. Bodek: The Name Maven returns!

Dennis Prager: Must the Liberal Mind Reject Sad Facts?

Caroline B. Glick: What the Palestinian Authority buys with your taxes

Paul Richter: Dems, GOPers confounded over White House's Saudi arms deal

Jeff Jacoby: Created by God to be good

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Can a single word make a difference?

Jane Arraf and Laith Hammoudi: Yet more Iraqi Christians murdered

Jane Arraf : In Iraq, Christians fear they could be wiped out — like Jews before them

William Weir: Breakthrough in Gaucher Disease

Rabbi David Aaron:Re-thinking the notion of sin and redemption (PROFOUND!) Thomas H. Maugh II: Researchers discover areas in human genome that may help find causes of certain disorders

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Faces and face-lifts in antiquity

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.: How to be spiritual, correctly: Introduction, Part II

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.: How to be spiritual, correctly

Michael Feldberg: The unknown story of the Jewish role in building Montgomery and Sheffield, Al.

Shari Roan: New research finds link between smoking, dementia

Rabbi David Aaron: Are you on a spiritual journey or ego trip? (PROFOUND!)

John Rosemond: 'Gifted' children, who aren't

Rabbi Dov Fischer: When will justice come for the Justice?

Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: Lessons from a Chilean Cave: Concealment and Discovery

Edmund Sanders: Arabs decide Jericho is 10,000 years old, throw it a birthday party --- and nobody bothers to show

Jeff Jacoby: The undeniable Jewish state

Rabbi Dov Fischer: On gin joints and Divine destiny

Edward Klein with Richard Z. Chesnoff: AMERICAN JEWS AND PRESIDENT OBAMA, Part II

Edward Klein with Richard Z. Chesnoff: AMERICAN JEWS AND PRESIDENT OBAMA

Dennis Prager: The Almighty, Liberals and Liberty

Michael Feldberg: Mordecai Manuel Noah: How Buffalo almost became the gateway to the Promised Land

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: To change a world

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: My least favorite 'text' is the Torah

Thomas H. Maugh II: Heart bypass surgery underused, study says

Thomas H. Maugh II : Chest compressions alone as effective on heart attacks as CPR, researchers say

John Rosemond: Get away from 'psychological thinking'

Melanie Phillips: I think, therefore I'm guilty

Rabbi David Aaron: The fast track to love and forgiveness

Jane Glenn Haas: Neglecting your teeth may lead to Alzheimer's

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: The toughest part of a favor: Asking for it

Rabbi Dov Fischer: iPods and why our prayers aren't answered

Caroline B. Glick: What Glenn Beck can teach Israel

Jeff Jacoby: Victims on the road to 'peace'

Mona Charen : Why These Talks Are Doomed

John Rosemond: What do today's children seriously lack that children in the 1950s and before enjoyed in abundance?

Thomas H. Maugh II: Diabetes drug found to reduce cancer risk

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Fed Up!

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Fly the friendly skies --- or go to Israel

David Hazony: The Mystery of Goodness

John Rosemond: ‘Fixing’ Son's Shyness

George Will: The Mideast mirage

George Will: The 'two-state' delusion

Rabbi Dov Fischer on his divorce and responsibility

George Will: Skip the lectures on Israel's 'risks for peace'

Dennis Prager: Same-Sex Marriage and the Insignificance of Men and Women

George Will: Israel will not be a 'perfect victim'

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: What does 'doing the right thing' entail?

George Will: Israel's anti-Obama

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: How to talk to a neo-Nazi

Rabbi Dov Fischer : Give Your Rabbi a Break Dennis Prager: Jews Who Cheapen the Holocaust

Caroline B. Glick: Republicans, Democrats and Israel

Rabbi Yonason Goldson : The real reason why Jews are Liberals

Cal Thomas: Economic Development for Muslims

Michael Feldberg: How the credo of American Jewry took hold

Rabbi Reuven Drucker: How not to be holy

Caroline B. Glick: The Strategic Foundations of the US-Israel Alliance

Paul Greenberg: Who Are We Now?

Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg: Why this rabbi didn't vote for Obama — and why I made the correct decision (MUST READ!)

Dennis Prager: Obama, Israel and the Genesis Prediction

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: A PROFOUND meditation for thinking students of theology addressing a common misconception

Rabbi Reuven Drucker: Who should we -- and the Divine -- regard as a truly noble person?

Rabbi Francis Nataf : Rethinking 'reactionaries' and their old-fashionedness

Dennis Prager: Where Do Jews and Christians on the Left Get Their Values?

Rabbi Berel Wein: The Divine is in the details

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Orwell, Santayana, and Me

Rabbi David Aaron: You CAN have Heaven on Earth

Rabbi Berel Wein: Golden Calf still with us --- except it has multiplied

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Someone's there

Dennis Prager: Government, Yes! The Divine and Parents, No!

Rabbi David Aaron: Is the Divine beyond us or within us?

Anya Martin : Boy's 'cerebral palsy' fixed with diet

Rabbi David Aaron: The Divine wants you to be happy

Rabbi Berel Wein: Choosing to hear

Rabbi David Aaron: Secret to Immortality

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Atheists in Bubbleland

Rabbi David Aaron: Are you ready for the ultimate pleasure?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Perfect Number

Jeff Jacoby: Peace vs. the 'peace process'

Barry Horn: A spiritual force: Cowboys' Igor Olshansky takes a fierce pride in his Jewish faith

Mona Charen : Who Needs Religion?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Two Cheers for Pain

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: The secret to disciplining without abusing

Rosally Saltsman: Friendship means knowing when to hold 'em … and when to walk away

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Darwin's Appendix

Jonathan Rosenblum: Repentance for a misspent youth

Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg: What makes a great parent?

Jonathan Rosenblum: Sometimes it is more essential to define the nature of evil than good

Charles Krauthammer: The Settlements Myth

Jonathan Rosenblum: Reflections after 30 years of marriage

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Do thoughts count?

Andrea Simantov: An open home -- physical and spiritual -- is a hallmark of the world in which we live

Rabbi Berel Wein: Responding to evil humanely

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: The most awful, stupid parenting advice

Dennis Prager: Guess Who Cares about Dead Palestinians? Jews!

Larry Elder: Israelis and Palestinians: Who's David, Who's Goliath?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: When the past meets the future

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Truth --- The Key to Gratitude

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Money matters?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The End of the Age of Reason

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: The Power of Spiritual Inertia

'Why aren't all religious people vegetarians?': Response by Miriam Kosman

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Our Immutable Noble Essence

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: The 'living dead' are all around us

Dennis Prager: If the Almighty doesn't exist

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: We have the power to alter another's destiny — use it well

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The Sanctification and Importance of Time

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Man: The Crowning Glory of Creation

Mona Charen: Did Israel Drive Out the Arabs 60 Years Ago?

Jonathan Rosenblum: Observant Jews as robots?

Dennis Prager: Why are so many Jews liberal?

Dennis Prager: Explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict through numbers

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: Culture of death? Palestinian girl's murder highlights growing number of ‘honor killings’ (SICKENING!)

Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Graffiti On History's Walls (MUST-READ!)

Fiamma Nirenstein: How I became an ‘unconscious fascist’ (MUST-READ!)

Bill Bennett, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick: Twenty Facts about Israel and the Middle East (IMPORTANT!)

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