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About Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review

March 5, 2012

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.
  —   Albert Einstein


Kind and compassionate friends:

The situation of the one man, perhaps more than any other, who inspired me in so many areas of my life, continues to improve. But he is far -- VERY FAR -- from healed. If you are reading this, it means you care.

PLEASE take a moment to say a prayer for CHAIM Yisroel ben (Hebrew for: son of) Chanah Tzirel. PLEASE ask the One who is the True healer to restore his health.

If you can do some extra act of kindness (no matter how small) in his merit as an effort to make our world a far better place, all the better!

Please forward this note and post it to social media.

With much gratitude,

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky

reality check
Israel's calculus on Iran: Shaped by leaders' youth in daring commando unit?
By Joshua Mitnick

Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with President Obama today. He and his Defense minister, Ehud Barak, served as brothers in arms in Sayeret Matkal, a sort of Ivy League for future Israeli leaders. What makes each tick

Powerful video documents Obama's 'friendship' toward Israel

The 30-minute report offered here chronicles Obama in his own words and actions. It will likely be dismissed as "right-wing propaganda". But any voter who will watch it with an open-mind will be swayed

on law
Hackers ask the U.S. Copyright Office for the right to modify powerful video game consoles for betterment of society
By Jason Koebler

Sony, Microsoft Battle Over Right to 'Jailbreak' Systems

gezunt/ on health
Good News For the Ill: Lipitor's patent loss is only the first of many consumers' gain
By Duke Helfand

Patent expiration opens the door to generics, a fate some popular medications will face over the next few years. The result is sharply lower prices for patients and lower sales for drug makers

in the money
What Type of Estate and Tax Planning Do I Need to Do?
By Susan Johnston

How not to get screwed by the government

New Three-Year Degree Programs Trim College Costs
By Katy Hopkins

Any student may be able to wrangle similar savings with focus and planning

ess, ess/ eat, eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Sharon Thompson

Fruit crisps easy as pie, includes techniques

[ D A I L Y     I N S P I R A T I O N ]

GPS! Navigation For Your Soul
By Yaakov Y. Shain and Avi Fishoff

An inspirational and enjoyable guide to survive & thrive in the real game of life." And it succeeds at doing just that. This isn't a "work" as much as it is a help. The words engage as opposed to preach. The concepts explored are theological but not theoretical; ones that confront all thinking faithful, illuminating and clarifying misconceptions in belief. The duo's examining of life issues is not for holy men but the everyman.

TODAY: Who Is Your Biggest Fan?

4 books

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
9 to 5
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Bottom Liners
Flo & Friends
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Mallard Filmore
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
The Other Coast
Prickly City
The Wizard of Id

Robert Arial
Chuck Asay
Chip Bok
John Cole
John Deering
Glenn Foden
Bob Gorrell
Joe Heller
Jerry Holbert
Jeff Koterba
Dick Locher
Jimmy Margulies
Kevin Siers
Dana Summers
Michael Ramirez

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

On Nutrition by Barbara Quinn:: Beware of the hCG diet

Ask Doctor K by Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.: Try nonsurgical options first for herniated disk

Bruce Williams on JWR: Direct purchase saves a buck, but is it worth it?; cancel a credit card and being absolutely sure it won't negatively affect credit rating

Curt Smith : Are They Happy Now?

Julia Gorin : A Tired Script: Tampa Terrorist from Pro-American Kosovo

[ I N S I G H T ]

Mark Steyn: America's longest war will leave no trace

Argus Hamilton: The News in Zingers

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd: Don't mess with this mayor; Least Competent Criminals

Mitch Albom: Death of a forever-young pop idol

Star Parker: Breitbart's final message to the Left

Michael Barone: James Q. Wilson's insight improved America

Arnold Ahlert: Baby Steps Down the Road to Depravity

Dan K. Thomasson: Do conservatives want a victory or a statement?

Ann McFeatters: Time for Romney's vision, not goofiness, gaffes

Mary Kate Cary: If the GOP focuses on the deficit, the debt, tax reform, it can win.

Paul Greenberg: The pause that refreshes

Debra J. Saunders: From a Plea for Choice to a Roar of Entitlement

Jeff Jacoby: Santorum's 'snub' was no gaffe

Jay Ambrose: Campaign substance lost in media melodrama

Jack Kelly: Welcome back, Carter: Obama and Jimma becoming almost indistinguishable

Dana Milbank: Did Republicans forget the women's vote?

David Shribman: The GOP race continues, and Republicans continue to grouse about their choices

Bill O': Reagan vs. Obama

George Will: Plan B for stopping Obama

George Will: R.I.P, honored prophet (BONUS!)



Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Grasping greatness --- and its limitations

Kathleen McGrory: ADL spoiling for fight after school prayer bill passes with bipartisan support in Florida House

Lauren Fox: Bill Seeking Tax Breaks for Men (and Women) with Facial Hair Moves Forward

Marni Jameson: Disney closes new exhibit after being pushed around by large lobby

Rachel Koning Beals: Are You a Bigger Insurance Risk Than You Think?

Melissa Maynard: Graduate students campaign to unionize

Menachem Wecker: 10 Colleges With Highest 4-Year Graduation Rates

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Stir-Fried Swiss Chard with Pine Nuts and Balsamic Butter Packs a Colorful Punch of Vegetable Flavor

Jonathan Mark: Those 'Hideous' Sisters of Mercy

Jeff Jacoby: Outraged by Mormon proxy baptism? Not this Jew

Steven Colbert on Posthumous Mormon Baptism LENGTH: 5 minutes

Clifford D. May: (War) Crimes and Punishment

Christine M. Palumbo, M.B.A, R.D. : The 'fit but fat' debate

Kimberly Palmer: You, too, can be a scavanger!

Menachem Wecker: 10 Colleges With Highest 4-Year Graduation Rates

The Kosher Gourmet by Bev Bennett: Spaghetti with Broccoli and Gorgonzola Cheese, simple yet scrumptious

Jonathan Tobin: Not a Parody: Peace Now Shocked to Discover Arabs Don't Want Peace

George Friedman of Stratfor: The State of the World: Explaining U.S. Strategy

Carol Rosenberg: Guantanamo's newest addition: $744,000 soccer field

Tara Malone: The term paper is disappearing

Emily Brandon: 10 Important Ages for Retirement Planning: Keep these life stages in mind to boost your benefits and avoid penalties

Menachem Wecker: Free Online Classes to Help M.B.A. Students -- at a Cost

The Kosher Gourmet by Emily Ho: Dduk gook: Korean Rice Cake Soup

Elliot B. Gertel: Move over intact Christian families, TV has decided Orthodox Jews ripe for mockery

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Shariah's threat to civil rights

Pete Spotts: Could free-floating 'nomad' planets carry seeds of life in the universe?

Anna Miller: Popular but Dangerous: 3 Vitamins That Can Hurt You

Kimberly Palmer: 10 Things You Should Know About Your 2011 Taxes

Laura McMullen: Some M.B.A. Students Fit Best in Small Cities

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Few dishes are as satisfying as a rich, meaty ragu

Lisa M. Krieger: Latest scientific 'game-changer' in pro-life debate, out this week, will send aborted-pregnancies soaring but prevent heartache, suffering

David G. Savage: Supreme Court to weigh torture lawsuits against corporations

Dan Hinkel: Obama assassinated? Don't rule it out, rants Farrakhan

Rick Newman: 3 Upsides to Lousy Government

Kimberly Palmer: You Must Calculate Your Retirement Number Now

Katy Hopkins: Colleges That Claim to Meet Full Financial Need

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: Find making a tempting quiche intimidating? DON'T!

Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt : Dear Deborah Feldman . . .

Eric Sliva: Installing tens of thousands of cameras in order to guarantee democracy? Da, says Putin

Amina Khan: Has our understanding of how humans communicate been proven wrong?

Rachel Koning Beals: Cheap vs. Value: Stock Investors, a Warning

Menachem Wecker: Still can't do anything with that M.B.A.? Try journalism. No, really

The Kosher Gourmet by Joseph Erdos: BEEF DAUBE is an amazing Mediterranean-style stew with bright flavors influenced by the cooking of Italy and North Africa

Paul Richter and Edmund Sanders: U.S., Israel sending mixed messages on Iran

Warren Richey: How Supreme Court ruling on Texas could reduce affirmative action across US

George Friedman of Stratfor: The State of the World: A Framework

Victoria Shanta Retelny, R.D., L.D.N. : Say Cheers! to drinking

Philip Moeller: Hard time determining your current and future savings needs --- and even harder still, executing a plan? Here's what to do about it!

Menachem Wecker: In Tough Job Market, Law Grads Use J.D.s for Nonlegal Work

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Spinach and Ricotta Dumplings: Ravioli without the pasta --- A light alternative

Yaakov Y. Shain Avi Fishoff: Unconditional Love: Analyzing the unique relationship between parents & their children; the Father and us

Michael Doyle: Supreme Court to hear arguments on whether a lie is protected speech

Neela Banerjee: NSC wants rules on research that could lead to biological weapons

Fred Weir: Fearing West, Putin pledges biggest military buildup since cold war

Rachel Koning Beals: More 401(k)s May Get a Makeover With the Addition of Annuities

Menachem Wecker: How to Go to Medical School for Free

The Kosher Gourmet by Bev Bennett: This ROASTED PEPPER SOUP is both beautiful and delicious. Includes time-saving, fuss-less techniques

Rabbi B. Shafier: What a smart phone can't find: Happiness

Franco Ordonez: Religion divides? Not yesterday in Congress

Kristen Chick: After surviving sectarian mob, Egyptian Christians expelled from village

Eryn Brown: Microchip is a new means of medicating

Katy Hopkins: 4 Tips to Finish Community College

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: Puffed and crispy around the edges while retaining a tenderness in the middle, DUTCH BABY would be the result if a popover and a pancake fell in love

Jim Sollisch: What a smart phone can't find: Happiness

Clifford D. May: Listening to the Syrian Resistance

SeaWorld of Pain : Watch Wyatt Cenac, a black comic, confront "whale freedom rider" Lisa Lange of PETA and make her squirm (LENGTH: 5 minutes)

Jason Koebler: Antibiotics Do Nothing to Cure Sinus Infections, Study Says

Kelsey Sheehy: Targeted M.B.A.'s Take Aim at Defense Spending

Emily Brandon: How to Finance Life Until 100

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: A salad that combines the best of winter's produce: Crisp, sweet, slightly creamy pear flavor contrasts with Belgian endive and frisee, toasted walnuts

Rabbi Joshua Hess: 'Linsanity' isn't a craze --- or, at least, shouldn't be

Jeffrey Fleishman: Women were at the vanguard in the protests that ousted Hosni Mubarak. Meet some who refuse to wake up from their dream --- the mullahs and military be damned

Richard Simon: 'The check is in the mail' could soon be a legal excuse

Liz Bowie: Debate on whether cursive writing should still be taught

Jason Koebler: Super Plants: Could Re-Wired Plants Be the New Cancer Killers?

Susan Johnston: Strategies to preempt unwanted calls or other communication from collectors

The Kosher Gourmet by Mario Batali: The famed chef approaches SPAGHETTI SQUASH WITH SOFT HERBS AND ROBIOLA with an Italian-ness that becomes delicious

Paul Greenberg: The Almighty meets the media

Dennis Prager: Chris Christie on Israel --- and What It Means to Be a Leader

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Shariah's police? Interpol's honoring of Saudi warrant could lead to arrest of Americans

Eilene Zimmerman: Love (?) American Style

Steven Thomma and David Lightman: Obama's budget frames election choices, doesn't solve long-term problems

Rachel Koning Beals: Is it Time for Investors to Show Russia Some Love?

The Kosher Gourmet by Matt Armendariz: VEGETABLE CRUMBLE is a simple, satisfying dish of tender eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and onions crowned with a savory buttery topping and a sprinkle of fresh herbs

Binyamin Rose: Back to the Bunker: How a life-risking act by a Christian family during the Holocaust saved a family and built a thriving community a world away

Danielle Kurtzleben: The Myth of Economic Inequality

Susan Johnston: Should You Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?

Menachem Wecker: Business Schools Teach Real Estate Despite Troubled Housing Market

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Farro Salad: An ancient grain is now new again as the base of a tasty tangle of flavorsome vegetables, chickpeas and salami

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The biblical case against small-mindedness involved diminishing His precious prophet

Caroline B. Glick: The Peace Process is over. Finally

Lisa M. Krieger: Man with defibrillator demands access to his own heart's information

David G. Savage: Why activists may not be in a hurry to have High Court rule on alternative marriage

Rachel Koning Beals: Gen X Women Continue to Shrink Gender Investing Gap

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Who Says You Can't Make Restaurant Favorites at Home?: MANGO AND STICKY RICE

Jeff Strickler: An argument a day keeps the divorce away, they say

Clifford D. May: CAIR's Crusade against The Third Jihad

Melissa Healy: Study finds jolt to the brain boosts memory

Laura McMullen: 10 Least Expensive Public Schools for Out-of-State Students

Kimberly Palmer: How to actually enjoy -- relaxing, financially -- your vacation

Emily Brandon: 10 Necessities for a Great Retirement Spot

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Winter Squash and Red Swiss Chard Risotto is Colorful Cozy Cold Weather Fare (includes detailed dos and don'ts)

Rivy Poupko Kletenik: Tree hostility: The auspicious history of the evolution of Tu B'Shevat

Steven Emerson: Planting Trees is Racist?!

Warren Richey: Why momentous Prop. 8 ruling might not satisfy gay-rights groups

Anne Applebaum: Russia's Potemkin democracy

Menachem Wecker: Though Controversial, LL.M.'s Can Lead to Specialized Legal Jobs

Emily Brandon: 10 Necessities for a Great Retirement Spot

The Kosher Gourmet byDana Velden: Going to the bother of making soup? You know it better be good. This CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP certainly is! And it's a cinch to make, too (Includes techinques and serving secrets)

Kathleen Hennessey and Christi Parsons: Obama not worried that birth-control move will hurt his re-election chances with Catholics, other faithful

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's rhetorical storm

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Caught off-guard? President's Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer gives those who need a reason not to vote for him, a darn good one

Suzanne Bohan: Leaping lizards! Tiny reptiles advancing robot design

David Francis: How to Avoid an IRS Audit

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: These homemade energy bars (3 recipes) are far better workout fuel than commercial ones, packing power and taste

Scott Peterson: Iran's top ayatollah: We're trumping the West

Jonathan Tobin: Iran Threatens Israel With Destruction, But the New York Times Doesn't Hear It

Jeffrey Fleishman: In newly democratic Egypt, tens of democracy activists jailed, to stand trial; their groups are 'threatening the stability of the homeland'

Julie Deardorff : Researchers say antioxidants may not be that effective and could do more harm than good

Philip Moeller: Where Smart Investors Put Their Money

Mark Clayton: How did Anonymous hackers eavesdrop on FBI and Scotland Yard?

The Kosher Gourmet by Joseph Erdos: Vegetable Frittata --- leftovers never tasted so scrumptious

Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein: Living with ideals --- in reality

Caroline B. Glick: Fool me twice

Jonathan Tobin : Adelsonphobia Strikes in Nevada Caucus

Edmund Sanders : Israeli official says Iran is creating missile that could reach East Coast of US

Kimberly Palmer : 8 Ways to Get Ready for Retirement Now

Victoria Kim: Immigrant-smuggling ring used black drivers to avoid racial profiling

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: A quick cookie recipe: Hazelnut and Olive Oil Shortbread: Sweet, Nutty, and Savory

Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein: Living with ideals --- in reality

Caroline B. Glick: Fool me twice

Jonathan Tobin : Adelsonphobia Strikes in Nevada Caucus

Edmund Sanders : Israeli official says Iran is creating missile that could reach East Coast of US

Kimberly Palmer : 8 Ways to Get Ready for Retirement Now

Victoria Kim: Immigrant-smuggling ring used black drivers to avoid racial profiling

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: A quick cookie recipe: Hazelnut and Olive Oil Shortbread: Sweet, Nutty, and Savory

Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt : Welcome Home, Governor Perry

Jim Carney: Wrong number call may have saved her life

Reza Kahlili : Ex-CIA spy in Iran's Revolutionary Guard: What Obama doesn't grasp about striking deals with Tehran

Kelsey Sheehy : 5 Tips for Choosing an M.B.A. Concentration

Rachel Koning Beals : Investors Increasingly Tap Social Media for Stock Tips

Tina Susman: For woodchuck rescuer, every day is Groundhog Day

The Kosher Gourmet by Leela Cyd Ross : Savory vegetable pie is a taste of European bistro with minimal effort and maximal flavor

Nara Schoenberg: What to do when you've been dissed

Michelle Malkin: First, They Came for the Catholics

Brian Bennett: US officials see increasing threat of domestic attack from Iran

Lisa M. Krieger: Possible breakthrough in preventing Alzheimer's

Emily Brandon: How to Take Advantage of New 401(k) Fee Disclosures

Susan Johnston: 5 Apps for Organizing Your Expenses at Tax Time

The Kosher Gourmet by Mario Batali: The famed chef's Broccoli and White Bean Soup can easily be a lunch in itself, or a nice antipasto --- and is hard to mess up

Paul Greenberg: Separation of Church and State works two ways

Caroline B. Glick: Hamas and the Washington establishment

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Uncle Sam is joining in efforts to crack down on Islamists' critics

Danielle Kurtzleben: The 10 Worst Cities for Finding a Job

Laura McMullen: 3 Tips to Overcome a Bad Grade in College

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Orzo dish mixes plump, chewy grains with caramelized onions, garlic, mushrooms and sweet potato

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Blind faith and physics

Paul Richter and Ramin Mostaghim: Misreading Teheran's limits -- deadly and economically devastating as they may be -- is a risk administration, Europe seem willing to take

Suzanne Bohan: Warning: Nap-deprived tots missing more than sleep, study finds

Meg Handley: Banks Revamping Rewards Programs to Woo Customers

Menachem Wecker: 3 Do's and Don'ts for Healthy Studying in College

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Butternut Squash Gratin with Tomato Fondue is a combination of the sweet and creamy

Rabbi Berel Wein: What Pharaoh can teach us sophisticates about being stubborn

Caroline B. Glick: Obama: Of course I intend to prevent a nuclear holocaust . . . in a few months

Yochonon Donn: In liberal New York City, fervently-Orthodox Jews may soon be getting a district to call their own

Jeannine Stein: An inflated ego and thinking you're 'all that' doesn't just make others sick of you, it can make you ill

Katy Hopkins: New budget rules may affect how much money you get for college

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: Barigoule is a light and tangy dish of artichoke hearts stewed in white wine

Jonathan Tobin: Newt the closet anti-Semite?

Ed Koch: To the New York Times, calling for the murder of Jews by those capable of having their incitement taken seriously isn't news

Martin Peretz: One Year Later: The Failure of the Arab Spring

Rachel Koning Beals: Need to Know info before investing in Muni Bonds this year

Jeannine Stein: Mental illness struck one in five U.S. adults in 2010: Report

The Kosher Gourmet by Leela Cyd Ross: Curried Coconut Carrot Soup. Need we say more?

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Speak politics the Jewish way!

Susan Johnston: 5 Sneaky Coupon Strategies Consumers Should Watch Out For

The Kosher Gourmet by Hilary Meyer: 3 Secrets Leave All of the Comfort in this 'Comfort Food', but few of the Calories

Carol Clark: The price of your soul: How your brain decides whether to 'sell out'

Caroline B. Glick: America lost most in 'Arab Spring'. Sadly, many voters still don't grasp the extent

Jada A. Graves: 6 Careers to Watch in 2012

Stephanie Hanes: Toddlers to tweens: Relearning how to play

Rachel Koning Beals: Awkward Questions You Must Ask Your Financial Adviser

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: Spanakopita is a golden pie that manages to be healthy yet still taste indulgent

Rabbi David Aaron: Why is the Celestial Miracle Maker hiding?

Clifford D. May: How terrorists lose their stigma

Suzanne Bohan: Vanquishing social anxieties without drugs

Danielle Kurtzleben: The 10 Best Cities for Finding a Job

Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein: Expansion Of Spirit (PROFOUND yet UPLIFTING)

Rachel Koning Beals:Top Complaints About Daily Deal Sites --- how to avoid missteps

Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz: Thriving through touch: Gentle massage helps older people with low mobility improve in mind and body

Katy Hopkins : Consider This Before You Pay for an Online Degree

Menachem Wecker : 4 Technology Must Haves for Online Students

The Kosher Gourmet by Joseph Erdos: This mushroom and barley soup has an intense -- almost nutty -- flavor that mixes robust with Middle East. It has creaminess without cream

Shari Roan: Millions of atrial fibrillation sufferers at risk for devastating, but preventable, stroke

Caroline B. Glick: The land-for-peace hoax (MUST-READ/FORWARD/SHARE)

Jonathan Rosenblum: Greatness --- and those who sully it

David Suissa: Dumbing Down Judaism

Carol M. Ostrom: Brain injury from high-fat foods may be why diets fail

Rabbi B. Shafier: A Yellow Belt in Five Styles

Caroline B. Glick : Obama's foreign policy failures have yet to explode, but when they do . . .

Courtney Rubin: 12 Great Money Apps -- FOR FREE OR ALMOST FREE -- That Save Time and Cash

Gloria Goodale: Religiously active people are least engaged civically?

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Authentic Religiosity: Reality or Dream? Clifford D. May: The Case for Palestinian Nationalism

Jonathan Tobin: Obama's Jewish Pitch: Liberal, Not Israel

Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein: A parenting guide for the perplexed

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein: Laughter And Destiny

Mordechai Schiller: Salute to a Liberator

Caroline B. Glick : With friends like these

Jonathan Tobin : Resenting Israel, Not Netanyahu

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