Arts & Letters

G. Silber presents Dovid Meyer: The Orphan From Jerusalem

Ruth Finkelstein: The Search

Michael Elkin interviews Mandy Patinkin

Elliot B. Gertel reviews Fox's Ally McBeal

Reader Response

December 10, 1997 / 11 Kislev, 5758
Dovid Meyer: The Orphan From Jerusalem

Life doesn't come with guarantees. One minute you can be on top of the world, and a split-second later everything can change. But the trials of the soul are stepping-stones to greatness. G. Silber's Dovid Meyer found this out, and so will you.

Join JWR every issue as we follow a kid with a heart of gold, a character you're unlikely to ever forget. His story is for the young and young at heart.

Chapter One

Don't have the patience to wait a full year to finish our serial? JWR has acquired a limited number of hardcover copies of Dovid Meyer: the Orphan from Jerusalem from the author at $15.00 per copy --- including postage and handling within the US. If interested, please call G.E.S. Publications at 1-800-426-1462.

©1997, Jewish World Review