
April 18th, 2024


Picky, Picky

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Dec. 6, 2021

Picky, Picky

Vojin Kusic, 72, of Srbac, Bosnia-Herzegovina, built a home for himself and his family many years ago.

His wife, Ljubica, wanted the bedrooms to face the sun at the time, so the living room faced away from the road.

In time, Ljubica became distressed that she couldn't see visitors approaching the house, so Vojin remodeled it.

Now, with their children grown, Vojin has constructed the home of Ljubica's dreams: It rotates a full 360 degrees so she can turn it as she sees fit, the Associated Press reported.

"Now, our front door also rotates, so if she spots unwanted guests heading our way, she can spin the house and make them turn away," Vojin said. [Associated Press, 10/10/2021]