
December 6th, 2024


What the pro-life movement gets wrong --- and the truth about Roe V Wade

Alicia Colon

By Alicia Colon

Published May 18, 2022

What the pro-life movement gets wrong --- and the truth about Roe V Wade
For the last couple of weeks, my parish has had a woman speak after the mass ended pleading for support for a crisis pregnancy center. I recognized the speaker as the head of a pro-life local group that I had once joined years ago.

My first involvement was a peaceful protest in front of Rep. Susan Molinari's district office and her voting record did not sit well with this woman. When I heard her yell through a mega phone that G od would punish Molinari for supporting abortion, that ended my connection with this group.

Let me be very clear, I am forever pro-life. I have marched several times in Washington at the rallies until my legs gave out. I have written nearly a hundred columns about this issue and most of the pro-life leaders I met are genuinely compassionate and I donate as much as I can to crisis pregnancy organizations.

Nevertheless, there are some like this woman I referred to who are judgmental and self-righteous. I personally do not believe we have the right to decide how G od will judge those who do not have our own moral principles.

There are many things that the pro-life movement does exceptional well in providing resources that are alternatives to abortion but what I have learned these past 26 years that I've been an op-ed columnist is that the movement does not recognize that its opposition has changed. Those posters of dismantled baby parts and lurid stories of born alive babies being murdered affects only voters who still have hearts. Now more women are wearing their “I'm proud of my abortion" t-shirts.

Since the SCOTUS leak forecasting the end of Roe V. Wade, the true radical pro-abortion advocates have emerged and they are frightening. I'm not sure if calling some of them insane is accurate but I'm leaning at dubbing them just plain ‘evil'.

How else would you describe activists posing as screaming pregnant women stabbing at the dolls under their fake bellies? The black woman outside St. Patrick's cathedral yelling, “I'm killing the baby," ( is clearly not only deranged but ignorant of the fact that since the 1973 decision, over 20 million black babies have been aborted. See facts on

Remember Amy Richards? She's the woman who wrote in the NY Times how she culled two of her unborn triplets because she didn't want to move to Staten Island and have to shop at Costco. Her remaining child must be old enough now to wonder why his mother killed his siblings.

Check out entertainment section to read celebrities lauding their past abortions as badges of honor. Read all about the Hollywood women denouncing the SCOTUS possible decision who are ready to fundraise in support of Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in the country. Which just proves how ignorant they are of the 1973 decision because everything about Roe Vs. Wade was a lie.

Dr, Bernard Nathanson was the co-founder of NARAL, the abortion rights organization. He was an obstetrician and gynecologist who was the director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health (CRASH), at the time the largest freestanding abortion clinic in the world. He presided over 60,000 abortions and even performed one on a woman he impregnated.

With the development of ultrasound in the 1970's, he reconsidered his view on abortion when he saw a live abortion and became a pro-life advocate. He narrated and directed, The Silent Scream, which is a video of an abortion of a 12-week-old baby. Excuse me for not saying fetus or a bunch of cells. In his 1996 autobiography he writes, "I am one of those who helped usher in this barbaric age."

Here are some quotes from Nathanson, who was closely involved in the Roe campaign:

"We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We succeeded [in breaking down the laws limiting abortions] because the time was right and the news media cooperated."

'How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In NARAL (National Association for Repeal of Abortion Laws) we generally emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but when we spoke of the latter it was always 5,000 to 10,000 a year. I confess that I knew the figures were totally false.

The official figures of maternal death due to illegal abortion before abortion was legalized was 160.Perhaps 500 at the most."

Why isn't the mainstream media reporting this important truth about the possible demise of Roe? All this means is that the abortion issue will be decided by the states. This means that you can still kill your unwanted baby in the blue states.


