(THOUGHT PROVOKING) Dan McCarthy: Civilizations Clash -- in Ukraine and at Home

News of the Weird: Least Competent Criminal

Argus' Rogue Report

Danny Tyree: Do you have one of those paranormal pillows?

Bob Tyrrell: When Virtue Signalers Become Virtue Flaunters

Cal Thomas: Whom to believe?

Adam Carrington: Abraham Lincoln's thoughts on a 'house divided' speak to our current national discord

Dylan Wells & Hannah Knowles: DeSantis pitches a Trump border plan without 'excuses' as he shifts to national policy

Jeffery Leving: Older men like Robert De Niro should consider more than finances when it comes to having kids

Doyle McManus: Blinken tried to build a floor under US-China relations. He may have to keep doing it

Lucille Liu, Rebecca Choong Wilkins & Kari Lindberg: Xi's bet on Putin looks even more risky after Russian rebellion

Andreas Kluth: Putin's biggest mistakes in the Wagner uprising


Bottom Liners

Chip Bok

A.F. Branco

Jake Fuller

Ed Gamble

Bob Gorrell

David Hitch


Rivers BONUS!

Tom Stiglich

Bart van Leeuwen

Dick Wright

Michael Ramirez

Inspired Living
Can Everybody Be Somebody?
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What is a democracy? It is often described as a society in which all are equal. But this description falls short of the mark

The author combines the skills of pulpit rabbi, scholar, and clinical psychologist to provide extraordinary leadership to people of faith worldwide

Reality Check
Israel's American 'frenemy'
By Melanie Phillips

If Netanyahu won't alert Americans to their government's abandonment of Israel, U.S. politicians must step up to the plate

The author, a long-time JWR contributor, has served as Britain's political conscience. A journalist and author, in 1996, she was awarded the prestigious Orwell Prize for journalism

Must-Know Info
The dos and don'ts of using home security cameras that see everything
By Heather Kelly

Home security cameras are supposed to keep us safe, but they can also bring new privacy and security risks into our homes. Here's how to use them safely

Well + Being
Should you stop using sugar substitutes?
By Teddy Amenabar & Katie Camero

Answers to common questions

Ess, Ess/ Eat, Eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By JeanMarie Brownson

We celebrate with steak!

4 books

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Bottom Liners

Chip Bok

A.F. Branco

Ed Gamble

Bob Gorrell

Steve Kelley

Gary McCoy

Gary McCoy BONUS!


Tom Stiglich

Tom Stiglich BONUS!

Gary Varvel

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez BONUS!

[ I N S I G H T ]

(THOUGHT PROVOKING) Michael Barone: A Tale of Two Indictments: Politics in a Doom Loop

News of the Weird: Unclear on the Concept

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

Josh Hammer: Don't Let Hunter's Plea Deal Distract From the Real Biden Problem

They're Coming For Your Kids: Cops Telling Parents How to Raise Their Children

Rich Lowry: The tragic poetry of the lost Titan submersible

Greg Crosby: Unda Da Sea

MediaWatch by Tim Graham: The Unmissable Lib Tilt of the 'Fact-Checkers'