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About Jewish World Review

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Jewish World Review

Jan. 26, 2005

Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxis and cutting hair.   —   George Burns

[ J E W I S H  L I V I N G ]

Dare to win
By Jay D. Homnick

Just one man's opinion? The time is ripe, argues the author, for people of faith to fight back against militant secularists pushing the theory of evolution as fact

people of the book
Real fighting spirit
By Philip Sieradski, Ph.D.

Much in recent days has been written about the upcoming 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. But Jewish history did not begin nor did it end with the Holocaust. A recently published book details the amazing   —   if, unfortunately, little known   —   story of a group believing Jews, heroes of the first order, who did everything in their power to win back the hearts, souls and minds of those who returned from hell.

[ D A I L Y  I N S P I R A T I O N ]

"Growing Each Day" by internationally renowned author and lecturer Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. Improve your life based on biblical principles, NOT pop-psychology!

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Bound and Gagged
One Big Happy
Mallard Filmore
The Other Coast
State of the Union
Moderately Confused

Cox & Forkum
Wayne Stayskal
Chip Bok
Gary Brookins
Gary Varvel
Doug Marlette
Chuck Asay

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

Glad You Asked by Jeff Elder: Mmm ... puppy breath   —   what causes it?; first color television broadcast; more

Plan for cell-phone directory ‘basically dead’

Dr. Peter Gott: Most breast calcium deposits are harmless; diagnosing pediatric seizures; hemorrhoid advice

Everyday Cheapskate: The ‘making do’ mindset

Bruce Williams on JWR: Bonds helps EEase college plans; multi-state tax; more

[ I N S I G H T ]


Argus Hamilton's political zingers!

David Grimes: The scent of a man

Froma Harrop: Johnny follows discretion into history

The JWR interview by Bill Steigerwald: Restoring — and reclaiming — history ... 10 minutes with best selling historian Thomas Woods

Michelle Malkin: A heartless homeland security screw-up

Kathleen Parker: The virtuous vs. SpongeBob

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Little rejoicing for the freeing of a murderer (THOUGHT PROVOKING!)

Michael Ledeen: Hersh Predux

Linda Chavez: Beating the bullies on ‘Bloody Sunday’

Michael Graham: Free ride

Mort Kondracke: Bush's Inaugural: Soaring, idealistic — but also scary

Jim Pinkerton: Bush gave just the speech he wanted

Tony Blankley: Iraqi ballots and bombs

Jonah Goldberg: Don't take the President's word for it — take Zarqawi's

Cal Thomas: Living and dying by the Court

Walter Williams: Should we save jobs?

Please pray -- even for a moment -- for the recovery of Dovid Zev ben Malkah Faiga, a 29 year-old father of two who has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease. THANKS!